

代写-Descanso花园对洛杉矶县的社会影响。Descanso花园对社区和洛杉矶县的社会影响是巨大的,因为它有助于维护国家的生态系统。通过Portico集团实施的可持续发展项目的影响,Descanso花园的董事会能够通过改善排水系统对环境做出积极的贡献,这有助于提高花园的蓄水水平(Juliano, 2016)。同样,在可持续发展的项目中,Descanso花园也能够在花园里开发一个回收过程,可以帮助减少花园产生的废物量。

The project of sustainability implemented jointly by the Board of Members and The Portico Group has positively impacted the social environment of the garden as it not only has helped to provide a new outlook to the garden but also has accomplished its vision which aimed at making Descanso Gardens as one of the most beautiful eco-friendly community gardens in the country (Turner, 2011). Therefore, the sustainability project undertaken by the Descanso Gardens helped to improve the knowledge base as it encouraged educating visitors on the importance of conservation of energy to the environment. However, the management of Descanso Gardens has been facing many underlying challenges such as in the form of soil compaction, drainage issue, aging rose rootstock, nutsedge infestation and encroaching shade. These major challenges are a major concern for the maintenance department as it has forced the authorities to remove the rose garden from the entire premises (Agustina and Beilin, 2012). According to a government journal article published by Thomas (2017), it was observed that the Americans Public Gardens Association has been focusing hard on improving the technological constraints faced by community gardens such as Descanso Gardens in the country by introducing the technology of Greenhouse effect (Thomas, 2017). This technological aspect would also benefit Descanso Gardens to reduce their costs and increase their efficiencies in solar and greenhouse energy developed in the garden. The project of sustainability was generally undertaken by Descanso Garden in order to make it eco-friendly garden that can help to conserve water and energy. The lessons learned from the traditional farming method and sustainable method are that the implementation of sustainable farming method helped the management of Descanso Garden to solve the problems faced by them earlier such as in the form of decomposition of soil and wastage of energy during the implementation of projects. The management of Descanso Gardens has also been recognized for its continuous developments in the garden such as in 2014, the Los Angeles County received an Award of Excellence from California Park and Recreation Society for having a fruitful private-public partnership towards the development of the garden (lacounty, 2017).

It can be concluded by saying that Board of Members of Los Angeles County have focused on enhancing the efficiency of the Descanso Gardens in order to improve the revenue of the state. The limitation of this garden is that the maintenance department does not take initiatives to clean the garden during off-seasons as it is owned by the government. Thus, it can be recommended to the management of Descanso Garden to introduce the culture of crop rotation in the garden. This aspect of crop rotation would help the maintenance department to properly control and manage various pest and diseases which can ultimately affect the health of the visitors. Moreover, the maintenance department of Descanso Gardens must also consider implementing the concept of garden management which would allow the gardeners to focus on open spaces to use it for horticulture.

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