

在这个分析中,有一个初步的讨论是关于书籍偏好如何反映一个社会的文化。由此,对社会上的各种阶级理论家进行了考察。探讨人的享乐选择及其发展选择的社会经济原因。然后是2010 – 2015年中国各畅销书排行榜的数据收集。从这一分析中,我们可以了解到中国的文学体裁和现代趋势以及中国文化。在这个分析中,我们将会详细解释为什么人们会对某些类型的电影产生兴趣。本分析中提到了2010 – 2015年的国家经济数据。布迪厄的理论和理性选择理论将应用于人们的阅读习惯。最后运用布迪厄理论和理性选择理论对未来趋势进行了分析,并得出结论。在附录部分,将提到中国的各种经济数据。



In this analysis, there is initial discussions of how the book preference is a reflection of culture of a society. From this, there is investigation of the various class theorists in society. The choices of a person for pleasure and their socio economic reasons for developing the choices will be probed. Then there is representation of the data collection of the various bestseller lists in China from 2010 to 2015. The analysis of the genre and the modern trends in China and the Chinese culture will be understood from this analysis. The reasons for the people to develop affinity towards certain genre will be explained in detail in this analysis. The economic data of the Country between the years of 2010 to 2015 has been mentioned in this analysis. The theories of Bourdieu and the Rational choice theory will be applied to the reading habits of the people. The future trend analysis has been drawn in the end by application of the theories of Bourdieu and Rational Choice theory along with the conclusions. In the Appendix section, there will be mention of the various economic data of China.

Strong correlation exists between the reading habits of the people and the culture of the people. The emerging technology in the recent times has caused a considerable change in the culture. This has been found to be different across the spectrum there has been a number of significant development and changes that needs to be probed in detail to understand about the different cultures. This has found to be a blanketed approach and is found to be very homogenous in its approach. There is very little literature that has been developed for understanding the nuances of the cultural taste and the bestseller lists for each specific society. There is a lot of literature for the countries such as United States and United Kingdom however very less literature is present for the countries such as China. There is a lot of generic information that exists about the Chinese culture the aim of this research is to understand the cultural changes and nuances in the current decade.






Understanding the training host country’s influence on national culture traits of Chinese pilots in training can help the Chinese aviation industry to improve Crew Resource Management (CRM), safety management, and training program design. This cross-cultural study will identify the pros and cons of different training styles in different counties. The acceptance of the advantages of the initial training programs in other countries would improve the Chinese pilot training culture, and vise versa.This study aims to make a contribution towards promoting aviation safety in general by understanding the change of national culture traits. This includes understanding the changes in student pilots’ national culture traits and the basis of these changes, in order to help the aviation industry from diverse cultures to learn from each other and in turn enhance their pilot training systems and general safety.

Improving aviation safety benefits everyone in a society, because air transportation is the first travel option for the public in terms of long distance traveling, and good safety performance in the aviation industry safeguards people’s lives.This literature review aims at presenting the most relevant and current research addressing factors that could contribute to the change of national culture traits. The review includes an introduction to national culture traits and the relationship between national culture traits and the working place safety. At the same time, this literature review provides a discussion of the international students’ experiences of the factors that contribute to the change of national culture traits. This chapter will also provide background information about the training system and its current situation of Chinese air transportation pilots.




因此,图像的风格和媒介相辅相成。“一块丰富的腰布被折叠成两倍,它的锯齿状边缘保留了原始镀金的尺寸”(Rishel 254)。图像中呈现的风格主要是时代风格,并不完全是艺术家的风格。然而,个人风格和时代风格是很难区分的,任何艺术家的风格都是受到他们所生活的时代的影响。耶稣受难像展示了17 -18世纪果阿(印度)的风格。随着新的宗教,印度的文化受到了很大的影响,耶稣在这个国家获得了新的声望。


Thus, this explains that Christianity and Jesus had great impact on the culture and religion of Goa. The style of the carved image reflects the medium as well. Ivory is the medium, which is soft and flexible. From the single piece of the tusk, the whole image could be carved. Thus the style of the image displays the flexibility and delicacy of the medium. It was easy for the artists to develop the image and artifacts with their required emotions. The image of crucified Christ is the best example, as the viewers can even see the fingers, which seems to be remarkably delicate. The rib cage of the Christ could be easily seen and the carving in the knees has been carefully done to suggest bruising. The ringlets of the Christ’s hair could also be seen.

Thus the style of the image and medium complement each other. “A copious loin cloth has been folded over double and its crenulated edges retain a measure of the original gilding” (Rishel 254).The style displayed in the image is mainly the period style and not completely the style of the artists. However, it is difficult to separate the personal style from the period style, as the style of any artists is always influenced by the period in which they live. The Crucified Christ image displays the style of 17th-18th century Goa (India). With the new religion, the culture of India was highly influenced and Jesus had gained new popularity in the country.




Bendigo和Adelaide Bank Limited更专注于零售和业务,而BOQ (Bank of Queensland)更专注于消费者存款。在这种情况下,上述挑战对两家银行都有影响。受影响最大的是本迪戈银行和阿德莱德银行有限公司,因为它们专注于零售银行业务。大部分的支付、监管和营销问题都随之而来。与消费部门相比,零售部门有严格的金融监管。零售银行业务直接影响经济,因此有更多的规章制度来控制金融流动。监管状况将影响零售银行的回报率,而不是消费者面临的烘焙行业。


Non-banks are not only increasingly entering the retail payments market in the Australian area in general, however; they are also entering the lending business. For some years now, we have been witnessing a trend towards more capital market-based financing in the euro area, driven by both deleveraging among banks and the very low cost of market finance. The regulatory agenda since the crisis has no doubt been essential. Banks had too little capital, too much short-term funding, too high leverage, and created too great a cost for society when they failed. The reforms that have been introduced so far have increased resilience and, in extremis, made banks less costly to resolve. And there is no reason why this should, in principle, diminish the ability of banks to serve the real economy – research suggests, for example, that higher bank capital has no negative impact on lending.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is more focused on retail and businesses though BOQ (Bank of Queensland) is more focused on consumer deposits. In this scenario the challenges mentioned above impact both the banks. The most impact is on Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited because of retail banking focus. Most of the payment, regulation and marketing issues comes on the way. There are strict financial regulations in the retail sector in comparison to the consumer sector. The retail banking impacts directly the economy and hence more regulations are there to control the financial flow. The regulatory situations will impact the return on retail banking than consumer facing baking sector.



在利马克的例子中,他现在的气胸可以从创伤性气胸发展为张力性气胸。创伤性气胸可由穿透性或非穿透性胸部创伤引起(Tsotsolis, et al, 2015, p.40)。在Leigh Mark的例子中,没有渗透。因此,空气并不是直接通过胸壁进入的,而是意外造成的患者胸部突然压缩可能导致肺泡破裂,导致空气进入内脏胸膜腔(Sharma, & Jindal, 2008, p.34)。当空气进入胸腔时,破裂导致气胸。现在利的女儿不能理解为什么这种情况会发展成张力性气胸。这是可能发生的,因为一旦内脏胸膜破裂,那么胸膜腔内不可吸收的空气就会增加。

随着这种不可吸收空气体积的增大,区域内aa压力增大,导致缺氧的原因是压力增大。随着压力的进一步增加,纵隔向对侧端移位,导致缺氧加重导致心血管衰竭。压力性气胸通常是缺氧和诱导的机械效应共同作用的结果(Daley, 2015)。纵隔偏移导致腔静脉机械受压,患者缺氧作用加重,最终导致心脏骤停死亡。因此,对于病例研究中的病人,有必要在病情发展到张力性气胸之前阻止病情的发展。这可以通过插入超水sd来实现。这里不应延误,因为病人已经进入昏昏欲睡的状态,表明意识水平下降。意识水平下降通常是气胸发现的晚期(Parkin, 2002, p.32)。


In the case of Leigh Mark, the pneumothorax that he has now can develop from a traumatic pneumothorax to a tension pneumothorax. The traumatic pneumothorax can be caused because of penetration or non-penetrating chest trauma (Tsotsolis, et al, 2015, p.40). In the case of Leigh Mark, there is no penetration as such. So the air does not enter directly through the chest wall but there the sudden chest compressions in the patient caused by the accident might have led to the alveolar rupture resulting in air entering the visceral pleural space (Sharma, & Jindal, 2008, p.34). This ruptures leading to the pneumothorax condition when the air now enters the pleural space. Now Leigh’s daughter is not able to understand why this condition could develop into a tension pneumothorax. This can happen because once the disruption of the visceral pleura happens then the non-absorbable air in the intrapleural space will increase.

With the increase in volume of this non absorbable air, there is aa increased pressure in the region, hypoxia results because of the increasing pressure. With further increase in pressure, a shift is observed in the mediastinum towards the contralateral end and finally this will result in cardiovascular collapse because of the worsened hypoxia. The pressure pneumothorax is usually a combination of hypoxia and induced mechanical effects in the patient (Daley, 2015). The mediastinum deviation results in the mechanical compression of the vena cava’s and the exacerbated with the action of hypoxia in the patient, the end result would be cardiac arrest and death. So in the case of the patient in the case study it is necessary to arrest development of the situation before it progresses to a tension pneumothorax. This can be done by means of the UWSD insertion. There should be no delay here as the patient was already brought in a drowsy state indicating decreased level of consciousness. Decreased level of consciousness is usually the late findings stage in the case of pneumothorax (Parkin, 2002, p.32)







The government is the medium of governance where they regulate the industrial relations between employers and employees through the application of laws, legislations, and acts. They oversee the adherence of the law by both entities and are involved in major policy formation, discussions among important disputes and try and resolve issues of national importance. The government is responsible for enforcing the laws of industrial relations on the employers and the employees and offer assistance in resolution seeing disputes. Employment relations is a unique security net for employees against scrupulous employers through maws, legislations, and acts. The relations has been changing over time and has been converting to less of a conflict based but more of a collaborative force based so as to avoid wasting time in conflict resolution.


However, it invests into more productive and progressive activities. The management and workers are considered to be a one big family in many countries now with cutting down of more and more unnecessary laws. The conflicts have gone down, but there has been a rise of indirect control of employers on employees, evident by the strengthening of the employee protection in most countries. The industrial relations are the same with a new shape governing the current corporate culture and time is the answer for the success of the continuity of the pluralist approach, which seems to be the dominant condition in the current period.



纳德勒和图什曼(1986)早些时候指出,商业组织只有通过有效的管理和同时为未来创造创新才能成功地获得竞争优势。因此,关键的建议是,管理当局面临的最紧迫的问题是保持整个组织的创新管理。价值观、结构、人员和有远见的领导都是影响任何组织通过创新实现组织利益的重要因素。创新仍然是推动经济表现的关键因素。然而,知识仍然是促进创新和吸收新技术发展所需的基本因素(Sadikoglu and Zehir, 2010)。

《经济学人》信息部(Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006)对全球485名企业高管进行的一项调查发现,其中87%的人认为创新对公司的未来至关重要。这项特别的研究还发现,创新最终会对企业绩效和国家经济增长产生积极影响。麦肯锡(McKinsey)(2007)对1400多名领先企业高管进行的一项研究发现,70%的受访者表示,创新是推动企业增长的三大因素之一。事实上,绝大多数革命性变革的根本举措都未能实现预期的价值,关键的分类也以失败告终。这也包括通过收购进行创新的努力(Lee et al., 2012)。


It was earlier stated by Nadler and Tushman (1986) that business organizations can be successful in gaining a competitive edge only by effective management followed by the simultaneous creation of innovation for the future. Hence, the key suggestion was made that the most pressing issue faced by management authorities is in sustaining the management of innovation across organization. Values, structures, people and visionary leadership are all significant factors affecting if any organization realizes benefits of organization out of innovation. Innovation can still be identified as the crucial factor driving economic performance. However, knowledge is still the basic factor required for fostering innovation and assimilating new technological developments (Sadikoglu and Zehir, 2010).

In a survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (2006) including 485 senior executive from organizations all across the globe found that 87 per cent of them perceived that innovation is extremely crucial for the future of the company. This particular research also discovered that innovation ends up having a positive effect on both corporate performance and national economic growth. A study by McKinsey (2007) including more than 1,400 executives of leading organizations discovered that 70 per cent stated that innovation was among the top three factors driving growth in their organization. As a matter of fact, majority of the radical initiatives of transformative change failed in delivering the value forecasted and the key classification was done as failure. Also, this was inclusive of efforts for innovating by acquisition (Lee et al., 2012).






A contract is said to be creating specific obligations for being fulfilled by the parties who enter into some form of agreement. In legal terms, the failure of one party in fulfilling any kind of contractual obligation is referred to as a contract breach. Being highly dependent on the specifics, there can be occurrence of breach when a party ends up failing in delivering on time performance. It also occurs if there is no performance with respect to the terms of the agreement, or does not delivery any performance. In accordance with the same, a contract breach can be categorized as either immaterial or material with the key purpose to determine appropriate legal remedy or solution for the occurrence of breach. As in the case overviewed, Bill and Huang came in a contract for the construction of a workshop and a garage to be completed strictly on 1st November.

The contract they came into is legally binding and there is no doubt in the validity of contract. The strict deadline had been stated and Bill failed in meeting the deadlines as a result of which Huang’s tender is cancelled and faces a loss of 150,000. There has been a breach of contract as the strict deadline was provided to Bill and he failed on his part. When there is occurrence of breach of contract, one or both the parties may show willingness in enforcement of the contract on the key terms, or may put in effort for recovering any harm of finance caused as a result of the alleged breach. If there is a rise dispute over a contract and failure is faced in resolving any informal attempts, lawsuit becomes the next best option. If the value being issues is below a specific figure, the parties may gain the ability of resolving the issue in the court of claims.














羅比在辦公室裡慢慢地、逐漸地處理案件的談判場景,讓人感覺到場景的重要性。所有演員的表演都很精彩,尤其是雷森德斯、羅比和巴倫,他們出色地展現了各自的角色。演員們忠於他們的角色,不讓觀眾懷疑他們的真實本性和身份。導演也精心策劃,不屈服於簡單的鏡頭,但演員們努力工作在他們的演講技巧,對話交付技能,和最真實的行動時發送消息,他們不是演戲,但是是真實的《波士頓環球報》的焦點小組的調查人員。影片中最精彩的一幕是,記者小組成員薩沙(Sacha)去拜訪羅納德•潘坎(Ronald Panquin),他打開門,看上去就像一個小孩子一樣無辜。



The scenes of negotiations inside the office where Robby deals with the uncovering of the case slowly and gradually makes one feel the importance of the scenes. The acting is wonderful of all actors especially Rezendes, Robby, and Baron, who wonderfully pulled of an excellent display of their respective characters. The actors had been loyal to their characters such that they did not allow the audience to doubt their real natures and identity. The directing was also carefully planned and did not give in to easy shots, but made the actors work hard in their speaking skills, dialogue delivery skills, and being the most real when they act sending a message that they are not acting, but are real investigators of the Spotlight team of the Boston Globe.The best scene of the movie is when Sacha, a team member of journalists visits Ronald Panquin and he opens the door and looks as innocent as a small child.

Even after agreeing that he molested male child at his church. He in fact argues that he never felt gratified by doing that and it was more important to understand this, before alleging him to molest the boys. The actors in the scene are the most casual as any normal humans talking to be, and this sets the tone of the best scene of the movie. Sasha was brilliant in the scene looking so astonished by getting surprises after surprises from Panquin. The scene has been made to look so casual that the audience would most likely try and get the seriousness of the molestation case, especially when Panquin looks so relaxed and does not heed to the immense harm that he has been doing to male child through molestation.