

根據Zone和Cris Rowan的研究,已經證實使用電腦、智能手機和平板電腦會帶來一些非常致命的負面影響。從圖表上看,很明顯47%的智能手機用戶和50%的iPad/平板電腦用戶的體驗擾亂了睡眠。即使是智能手機用戶的睡眠時間也是6.7小時,而iPad/平板電腦用戶的睡眠時間是6.9小時。如果嬰兒(0-2歲)受到手機、ipad、互聯網、PC等技術的影響和接觸,可以看到21歲成人的大腦快速生長,它通過負面影響執行功能來刺激發育中的大腦。 Chistakis指出,它會造成一些心理上的有害影響,如-注意缺陷,增加衝動,減少自我調節能力,認知延遲和受損的學習(Edelstyn & Oldershaw, 2002)。肥胖的流行是另一個負面影響,Tremblay提到30%的機會會隨著這些設備的使用而增加,肥胖的發病率可以在兒童早期看到。

因此,在三個孩子中,有一個孩子變得肥胖,而肥胖隨後發展為主要的健康問題,如糖尿病、早期中風的更大風險、預期壽命短和心髒病發作(Watson, McCarthy & Rowley, 2013 )。睡眠不足是另一種健康風險,這種風險與全球主要人口統計學的技術應用有關。精神疾病,像雙相情感障礙,抑鬱,焦慮,有問題的行為,自閉症,依戀障礙等等也會出現,正因為如此,大多數沉迷於電子設備的人都在接受高風險的精神藥物治療,這增加了其他長期的健康問題。在其他精神疾病中,數字癡呆、成癮、輻射排放、過度使用技術導致的不可持續等都是當今社會的現實問題。這些電子器件產生的極低頻(ELF)和射頻或微波具有負面的生物效應,如破壞機體細胞功能、DNA損傷、機體組織發熱、細胞突變、致癌等。


From the Fact Sheet of Zone and Cris Rowan’s research, it has been confirmed that there are certain negative impacts that are quite deadly associated with the use of computers, Smartphones and tablets. From the graph, it’s quite clear that 47% smartphone user and 50% iPad/Tablet user experience disturbed sleep. Even Smartphone user gets 6.7 hours of sleep as compared to iPad/Tablet User’s 6.9 hours. Rapid brain growth in case the babies (0-2 years) due to the impact and exposure of technologies, such as- cell phones, iPads, internet, PC etc to that of 21 year adults can be seen and it stimulates the developing brain by negatively affecting the executive functioning. Chistakis stated that it causes some psychological detrimental impacts, such as- attention deficit, increased impulsivity, decreasing self-regulation abilities, cognitive delays and impaired learning(Edelstyn & Oldershaw, 2002). The epidemic of obesity is another negative impact and Tremblay mentioned that 30% of chances get increased with the use of these devices and incidence of obesity can be seen at the early stages of children.

Therefore, among three children, one child becomes obese which later on develops into major health issues, such as- diabetes, greater risks of early strokes, short life expectancy and heart attack(Watson, McCarthy & Rowley, 2013). Sleep deprivation is another health risk that is lined with the technological usage of major demography of the worldwide public. Mental illness, like- bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, problematic behaviour, autism, attachment disorder etc are also seen and due to this, most of the people in this lifestyle obsession of electronic devices are going under the risky psychotropic medication that increases the other long-term health issues. Among other psychotic disorders, digital dementia, addictions, radiation emission, unsustainable due to overuse of technology etc are some of the real problems in the modern-day scenario. The ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) and Radio Frequency or Microwave from these electronic devices have negative biological effects, like- disruption of the body cell function, DNA damages, body tissue heating, cell mutation, carcinogenic effects etc.