


没有使用语言作为绝对的学术教学方法,也没有在非学术领域使用语言。在台湾的学习系统中,英语学习环境只在幼稚园学习的情况下使用,而在后期的英语学习状态中,重点更多的是将语言作为一门科目来教授。这种教学方式将注意力从语言上转移到交流工具上。在高中,英语是职业语言的重点,而在大学里,考试是为了进行最低门槛检查,而不是继续把英语作为专业。正如Backer & MacIntyre(2000)所言:“外语学习者处于劣势,因为他们被自己的母语包围着,必须在目标语言中寻找刺激。”

外语学生通常只在课堂上接受目标语言的输入,而缺乏第二语言学习者每天练习目标语言的机会”(Backer & MacIntyre, 2000, p.67)。因此,这些学生在口语能力和与外国人的社会交往方面都很欠缺。台湾的教学方法是以教师为中心的方法,这种方法导致学生在课堂上听老师谈论不同的主题。学生与老师之间的互动将会减少,大部分台湾英语老师也会给学生进行测试和考试,这些测试将更关注他们的写作技巧而不是阅读技巧。


There is lack of usage of language as an absolute academic method of instruction and there is not much use of the language in a non-academic front. In Taiwanese learning system, the English learning environment is used only in the case of kindergarten studies and in the later state of learning English, the focus is more on teaching the language as a subject. This form of teaching takes the focus away from the language as a communication tool. In high school there is focus on English language for vocational use and in Universities there are testing being done for minimum threshold checks rather than continuing English as a major. As Backer & MacIntyre (2000) argue “Foreign language learners are at a disadvantage because they are surrounded by their own native language and must search for stimulation in the target language.

The foreign language students typically receive input from the target language only in the classroom setting and lack the opportunities that a second language learner would have to practice the target language on a daily basis” (Backer & MacIntyre, 2000, p.67). Such students hence would lack in terms of oral proficiency and also social interaction with foreigners.The methodology of teaching in Taiwan is that of a teacher centred approach, the approach results in students listening to their teachers talk in the classroom about the different subject. Student teacher interactions would be less and most Taiwanese English teachers will also give tests and exams to the students that would be more focused on their writing skills more than their reading skills.