





Deng Xiaoping leadership developed the trends for economic reforms that were market oriented. Prior to this, China followed the communistic and protectionism ideologies. The economic reforms were a shift in this policy. There was incorporation of a number of other ideologies into the system. The trends of capitalism, consumerism, shifting paradigms from collectivism to individualism and the growing nationalistic sentiments are shaping the policy of China. Economist and financial analysis talk about policy changes in abstract forms rather than specifics. There is financial and economic growth in China and at the same time, the income gap between people are widening. Peking University has found the socio-economic gap in the nation to be widening. The richest people hold over a third of the total wealth.

There are a significant growing number of populations who have become increasingly divergent. Sweeping economic reforms in 1978 has caused significant difference in the growth of the nation. In spite of the growth of the nation, in many ways, China is still a developing nation. The number of people living in the rust belt areas is around 44% and the public benefits do not reach many people in the society. The divergence is evident in China. There is a need to understand the cultural trends to analyze the root cause of all the issues to resolve them. As an inception step, there must be analysis of the real winners and losers in these heuristics. This would enable to understand the socio-cultural reasons for the particular trends in the society.