


在巴基斯坦,进口食品和当地食品之间存在着激烈的竞争。调查发现,该公司将面临Engro Foods、Haleb Foods和Shezan等现有品牌的竞争。这些是当地的竞争者。除了雀巢,联合利华和宝洁将是主要的竞争对手(Gupta et al., 2013)。这些品牌是国际竞争对手。这家公司尚未站稳脚跟。公司要建立自己的品牌,就必须对产品有独特的品牌定位。它应该提供创新的差异化产品。产品设计也应该在美学上吸引一般的巴基斯坦消费者。Haigh stores可以被认为是澳大利亚的特产。竞争优势将集中在真正的澳大利亚食品的口味给巴基斯坦消费者。这应该是对澳大利亚口味的庆祝,也应该向巴基斯坦消费者承诺一种新的口味。该公司仍然是一家私营公司,已设法维持了一个多世纪。这家公司应该专注于旗舰产品。巴基斯坦人民愿意尝试不同于雀巢、联合利华等国际通用品牌的正品。
当地人已经从当地竞争对手那里尝到了甜头。它们应该被定位为一种能让消费者有更新品味的产品。年轻人愿意尝试新的口味。这应该是公司的营销技巧(Kotler and Armstrong, 2013)。黑巧克力不应偏离其核心口味和营销原则。它们应该作为巴基斯坦消费者可以体验的产品进行营销。优势:发展中的经济,开放的人谁想体验新的口味和新兴的中产阶级将证明有良好的市场为公司(科特勒和阿姆斯特朗,2013)。公司拥有独特的产品线,这是一个积极的方面,以市场的产品。劣势:不断变化的政治动态和金融市场波动将对国家构成威胁。这家公司的弱点是他们没有到其他国家去冒险。当涉及到迎合国际消费者时,他们需要有不同的营销风格。机会:改变文化动态,吸引青年人口是该公司的机会领域。威胁:该国有时转向民族主义或保护主义政策。事实可能会证明,它们会给跨国公司带来麻烦。竞争的加剧对公司来说也是一个非常大的威胁。


In Pakistan there is a heavy competition for the imported food and local competition. It has been found that the company will have competition from existing brands such as Engro Foods, Haleb foods and Shezan. These are the local competitors. Apart from this Nestle, Unilever and Proctor and Gamble will be the main competitors (Gupta et al., 2013). These brands are the international competitors. The company is yet to establish itself. To establish itself the company should have unique brand positioning of the product. It should offer differentiated product that is innovative. The product design should also be aesthetically appealing to the average Pakistani consumers.Haigh stores can be considered as a store that is Australian specialty. The competitive advantage will be to focus on the flavours of real Australian foods to the Pakistani consumers. It should be a celebration of the Australian taste and should promise the Pakistani consumer a newer taste. The company is still a privately owned company that has managed to sustain over a century. The company should focus on its flagship products. The Pakistani people are willing to try authentic products that would be different from the generic international brands such as Nestle and Unilever.
The people already have a rich taste from the local competitors. They should be positioned as a product that enables a newer taste for the consumers. The youth demography is willing to try newer taste. This should be the marketing technique for the company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). Haigh chocolates should not deviate from their core taste and principles of marketing. They should be marketed as a product that the Pakistani consumer can experience.Strength: Developing economy, open minded people who want to experience newer taste and the rising middle class will prove to have good market for the company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). The company has a unique product line that is a positive aspect to market the products. Weakness: Changing political dynamics and the financial market fluctuation will be a threat to the nation. The weakness of the company is that they have not ventured to any other nation. They need to have a different marketing style when it comes to catering to the international consumers. Opportunities: Changing cultural dynamics, attracting the youth demography are the areas of opportunity for the company. Threats: The country sometimes shifts to nationalism or protectionist policy. They can prove to be a hassle for international companies. Rise in competition can also be a very high threat for the company.