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  • Size: Apple Corporation has understood the above factors and their size of the organization and thus employed the regulations and delegations of task duties and resources in a very controlled manner. This has helped them to reduce the complexity and day to day performance issues.
  • Technology: Technology is another aspect of Contingency theory that has been considered by Apple. Apple is purely a technological firm and technology is the single biggest fuel on which it runs. With the global advancement in technology, the company has to update itself with the new technology every second. The adoption of new technologies helps them to make their products better and in turn improve their business. Apple Corporation has intrinsically webbed technology into its production system. The division of labour, task allocation, innovation, regulation etc. is latest technology enabled. Hence, it is so far the biggest firm to adopt latest technology and innovation in its business model and itself becomes one of the leading firms to innovate. Therefore, it inspires young managers and organization to become globally reputed firm like itself.