


研究中提出的系统称为开放系统。OPEN是“在线程序强化民事申请”(Online Procedures Enhancement for civil application)的缩写,这是一个为首尔市政府开发的反腐败系统。摘要开放式反腐体系具有规制/强制、认知/模仿、规范三个基本要素。除了这三个主要元素外,作者还提出了四种主要的反腐策略,它们也是嵌入式系统的一部分。所采用的反腐败战略是调查该国的腐败程度、所需的减轻措施以及政府如何根据这些查明情况加以改进。

在他们的建议中,作者建议这种形式的电子治理系统必须作为国家的一个原型。在进行基础设施建设时,以电子政务系统为原型,可以更容易地实现一个更加透明和反腐败的系统。这反过来又有利于城市规划,从而为城市地区创造一个更成功和可持续的基础设施发展实体。Jimenez et al.(2012)的研究重点在于,设计糟糕的制度和腐败的地方政府会在多大程度上导致该国城市规划的实际问题。西班牙有城市规划规则。在地方区域,这些计划也以尽可能灵活的方式执行,但国家仍然存在问题。


The system that is being suggested in the study is called the OPEN system. OPEN stands for Online Procedures Enhancement for civil application, which is an anti-corruption system that has been developed for the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The OPEN system has three mail elements for addressing anticorruption which are that of regulatory/coercive, cognitive/mimetic, and normative anticorruption. In addition to these three main elements, the authors also propose that there be four main anti corruption strategies to be used which are also part of the embedded system. The anti-corruption strategies that are used are for investigating the corruption levels in the country, the mitigation required and also how the government could improve based on these identifications.

In their recommendations, the authors suggest that this form of an e-governance system must be used as a prototype by nations. When conducting their infrastructural development, when such e-governance systems are used as prototypes then it becomes easier for implementing a more transparent and anticorruption system. This in turn has benefits in urban planning which in turn creates a more successful and sustainable infrastructure development entity for urban areas. The work of Jimenez et al. (2012) focuses on how badly designed institutions and a corrupted local government could result in practical issues of urban planning in the country. Urban planning rules exist in Spain. In the local regions, these plans are also executed with as much dexterity as possible and yet issues exist for the country.