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There can be reconciliation of extremely sizable fluctuations with the events of past significance related to the macroeconomic factors. These events are inclusive of recession simultaneously experienced in the domestic settings of Australia and USA during the early years of 1990s. Other events include the considerably modest slowdown during the period of 1998 and 1999 in association with the financial crisis of Asia and the successive summers of drought in New Zealand. In addition, in the year 2007, there had been a domestic boom in backing up the buoyant market of housing and strong confidence among consumer, and since recent time, the event of Great Recession from the year 2008 to the year 2010. The business cycle of the manufacturing industry in New Zealand are strongly affected by the international factors. The boom of Korean War wool ended up triggering a period of expansion, while the shocks in oil prices during the 1970s and US crisis of sub- prime mortgage resulted in the duration of contraction.