


有三个事件通常描述抽象艺术,其中包括(Xu, 2013):浙江艺术学院,赵无极受邀担任客座讲师,他是来自法国的抽象艺术家。抽象派艺术家塔皮斯在中国美术馆举办个展。周长江在全国画展上的抽象画作品获银奖。中国的另一位抽象派画家是陈克湛,他是中国最早的抽象派水墨画家。1975年至1979年,他研究了范长田的中国传统绘画。之后,他前往香港,与陈韶一起进一步研究岭南风格,并与画家冯康浩一起研究书法。陈克湛的绘画作品清晰地说明了中国抽象画的创作方式(Altshuler and Bruce, 2013)。另一位来自中国的抽象艺术家是高行健,他也在2000年获得了文学领域的诺贝尔奖。

他创作的抽象画一般属于写意文学传统。这帮助他以这样一种方式发展抽象艺术,就像中国历史时期的一些抽象艺术大师所做的那样。他的绘画探索了与水墨和微妙纹理相关的表现可能性(Woskin和Kenneth, 1982)。顾干:顾干是国际公认的中国抽象艺术画家之一。他一直在中国的书法艺术中扮演着现代主义运动的角色。他在1960年左右转向书法。在他所做的大部分作品中,他都使用了中国字和抽象画。这导致了一种全新的绘画语言的诞生,它颠覆了传统的书法形式和内容之间的关系(Lucie-Smith和Edward, 1995)。


Three events commonly depicted abstract art and these include (Xu, 2013):Zhejiang Art Institute where Zhao Wuji was invited as a guest lecturer and he is an abstract artist hailing from France.Abstract artist Tapies opens the solo exhibition at National Art Museum of China. Zhou Changjiang was conferred with silver medal for his abstract work at National Art Exhibition.Another abstract art painter in China was Chen KeZhan who has got the recognition of the foremost abstract ink and the wash painter in China. He did the study of the traditional painting of China under Fan Chang Tien during the time period of 1975 to 1979. After this, he left for the Hong Kong where he further did the study of the Lingnan style with Chen Shao and also did the study related to calligraphy with the painter Fung Kang ho. The paintings done by Chen KeZhan the clear illustration of the ways in which the Chinese abstract paintings can be made (Altshuler and Bruce, 2013). A yet another abstract artist from China was the Gao Xingjian who also won the Noble prize in the field of literature in the year 2000.

The abstract paintings which had been created by him generally belong to the literature tradition of Xieyi. This helped him to develop the abstract art in such a way, as it had been done by some of the masters of the same in the historical times in China. The paintings that had been made by him explored the expressive possibilities which may be related to the ink and wash and also the subtle textures (Woskin and Kenneth, 1982). Gu Gan: One of the internationally recognized abstract art painters in China is Gu Gan. He has been playing the role of the modernist movement, which is in the calligraphic painting in China. He turned towards the calligraphy during the time of around 1960. In most of the works which had been done by him, he used the Chinese characters with the abstract painting. This has led to the creation of a completely new pictorial language that reversed the traditional relationship which used to exist between the calligraphic form and the content (Lucie-Smith and Edward, 1995).