

政府的官员正在访问阿里巴巴,以帮助阿里巴巴发展业务(阿里巴巴现象;中国电子商务,2013)。政治干预影响了阿里巴巴向客户提供的服务。经济因素:经济因素对购买力、就业水平、利率、通货膨胀率、货币汇率、增长率、所提供的产品或服务的价格产生影响,从而导致顾客需求的波动。经济的发展水平和经济体制影响着组织的绩效。阿里巴巴正在定期分析这些因素,以便分析该组织的绩效。维持或盛行的经济状况影响着阿里巴巴的客户,阿里巴巴采取了定价策略,以应对经济中存在的经济因素(Kolios & Read, 2013)。经济因素包括通货膨胀率、汇率、利率、个人收入水平。


Alibaba need to consider all these macro environment factors so as to analyse the impact of these factors over the performance of the Alibaba.Alibaba need to consider few questions so as to analyse these factors for evaluating the answers of these questions. These questions include what is the political situation of the country, what is the economic condition of the country, what technology has been used in the country, what are the values, culture and trends of the country, what are the environmental conditions of the country? These factors and their impacts over Alibaba and the performance of the operations of Alibaba are discussed below:Political factors: political factors are the sum total of the different aspects of the political environment present in a country which affects the performance of an organisation. Every business must consider these factors so as to minimise the impact on the performance. The political factors consist of the laws of the country, policies of the government, social system of the country, relations with the ruling party, change in the ruling government and regulations. Alibaba is keeping a check over the operations so as to analyse that whether its operations are as per the laws of the country or not.
The officials of the government are visiting Alibaba so as to help Alibaba is developing the business (The Alibaba phenomenon; E-commerce in china, 2013). The political interference affects the services provided by Alibaba to its customers.Economic factors: economic factors create impact over the purchasing power, employment level, interest rates, inflation rates, exchange rates of the currency, growth rate, prices of the products or services offered which results in fluctuation in the demand of the customers. The development level of the economy and system of the economy affects the performance of the organisation. Alibaba is analysing these factors on regular basis so as to analyse the performance of the organisation. The economic conditions maintained or prevailing the economy affects the customers of Alibaba and Alibaba has adopted a pricing strategy for the purpose of dealing with the economic factors present in the economy (Kolios & Read, 2013). The economic factors include rates of inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, income level of the individuals.