




这种差异在分析和评估儿童的功能时起着重要的作用,作为对另一个儿童或成人暴露的特定行为或活动的反应。儿童依恋过程发生在0 – 2岁年龄组,被认为是高等教育和未来教育的关键因素。在家长和幼儿园教师的适当指导下,以及通过自我活动的表现和他人的活动所获得的经验,幼儿探索了许多尚未探索的领域,并在自己的舒适区之外取得了进步(Taguchi, 2009)。父母在孩子成长的过程中扮演着重要的角色。从小灌输的价值观对孩子的全面发展有很大的帮助。良好的价值观让孩子走向成熟和发展,并成为一个成熟的人。然而,作为对情绪暴露的反应而采用的不当指导和不完善的教学过程可能对儿童的发展产生有害和不利的影响(Davis, 2009)。


Early childhood education is a branch of the education program operating worldwide so as to cater to the educational needs and fulfill them. This broad concept covers children, from the kindergarten level, up till the age of eight years and comprises of several activities and experiences which are specially organized so as to assist in the social, cognitive and all round development of the preschoolers before their entrance into the threshold of the elementary schools (Copple, & Bredekamp, 2009). By the second year of their birth, the children gain the differentiation skills which act as an initiation and are considered as an important component of the learning process of the children. This essay sheds light on the model of the early childhood education curriculum that is prevalent in New Zealand. When a child is born, he has some innate ideas, which, according to John Locke is defined as “tabula rasa” or blank slate. During the span of first two years, the child gains the skills of creation of the first sense and identification of the self and the consequent years are spent in the achievement of the skills of differentiation between the child as an individual and the other things present around him (Cross, Woods & Schweingruber, 2009).

This differentiation acts as an important component in the analysis and assessment of the functions of the child as a response to a particular behaviour or activity exposed by another child or an adult person. The childhood attachment process, occurring in the age group of 0 to 2 years, is considered to be a key contributor in the higher and future education. With the help of a proper guidance from the parents and the kindergarten teachers and the experience gained through the performance of self activities and the activities performed by others, the toddlers explore a lot of unexplored areas and progress beyond their comfort zone (Taguchi, 2009). Parents play an important role in shaping the child’s development from a very tender age. The values inculcated from the young age greatly contributes in the all round development of a child. Good values make a child progress towards maturity and development and turn into an established person. Whereas improper guidance and imperfect teaching processes adopted as a response to the exposure of emotions can have detrimental and adverse effects on the development of the child (Davis, 2009).