


This in itself is a major disadvantage for the companies. In the case of formalized learning process, it has been found that the companies have a definitive tracking process. There is a definitive condition that each employee needs to be meet in order for the company to understand the comprehension of the subject. The social media is an informal tangible aspect that makes it difficult to track progress of the situation. There is no real structure or documentation for the people to understand the impact of the knowledge learnt. There is no authentic form of control. This makes the companies face difficulties in rewarding the employees for their services rendered or for their innovation. It is difficult to structure in the case of casual environments. The exact output and the knowledge garnered by the employees related to the job can never really be known in this process . The organizational goals may not be in synch with the company objectives and the managers might not even know where the gaps in knowledge is found to occur. It is not possible for the organizations to provide security of the software in contention when the people start to log into different sites. There is a distinction that needs to be maintained by the companies when it comes to maintenance of the private and the public content. There should be a certain level of security that needs to be maintained. It is becoming very hard in the case of social networking sites. The organizations need to leverage the learning process of the employee while addressing these causes of concern. There are some obvious disadvantages to this learning process that needs to be addressed by the individual companies. From this analysis, it can be understood that each method of learning process has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There is a need to combine these two practices in order to gain higher levels of productivity for the companies. The senior management should have some form of documentation to understand about the learning paradigms and have understanding about the requirements of the people. Social media allows the entry level workers to gain knowledge about the formalized processes that exist in the company. The key to success in this paradigm is for these workers to learn about the processes from a hands on approach. These entry level workers can be given formalized training to have understanding about their knowledge and gaps in their knowledge. For the existing workers, they can be provided with avenues to learn through informal learning methods. By combining these two processes, the companies can gain quality improvement objectives, business innovation and also aid in development of the individual objectives of the company. The learning of the senior can be taught through coaching and the mentoring programs. It can be understood that each company based on their subjective requirements needs to combine these two processes in order to be effective.

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