





Gender in its purest unsullied form is the gift of divinity and nothing else. Primarily, there are two genders, male and female that is considered to be the divine gift in its biological sense. Although it is divinely attributed biologically, its intersection and communication with the other gender invite the burden of social construct to be imposed on it. Civilizations grew from their primitive beginnings, and so came the urge or necessity to impose specific character traits associated with the two genders. Largely, the male gender came to be regarded as masculine owing to its physical superiority and ability to endure and command, and the female gender came to be regarded as the tender and beautiful gender endowed with skills of homemaking and childrearing. Despite these impositions that keep changing in contemporary terms, gender remains a debate endless for its inability to get fixated to a single social construct. On a narrower engagement, the two genders have defined social constructs largely owing to their biological attributes, but they also keep changing in broader terms as gender roles are continuously challenged for their urge of a transcending identity.
This essay describes and elaborates the social construct of the two gender, and how their intersection in multiple situations and biological needs tends to redefine their character traits and predominant attributes.

Definition of gender
Gender is precisely defined as the two distinct individuals of a similar species, of which one is male and the other is female. This is largely derived from the biological differences with which the two genders are born and grow up to become two distinct individuals though being of the same species. However, other definition of gender comes from the identification of social and cultural differences in the two distinct individuals, in that one is socially responsible for bread earning and the other with child rearing and home making. Different cultures have different roles of the two genders and they are known differently in their description. For example, for a country with gender neutral culture, the two genders are only distinguished by their biological difference and nothing else. Whereas, in the Eastern nations and some orthodox or aboriginal communities, there are specific differences between the two genders which define their gender and the associated gender roles.