
新西兰 找工作:人类是否可以屠杀动物

新西兰 找工作:人类是否可以屠杀动物

人类适应性很强,不吃肉也能活。他很有可能不用杀死动物就能活下来。此外,农业革命为人类带来了如此多的食物选择,他不必依赖于杀死动物作为食物。这确实表明,素食主义是几个人的选择,谁希望选择它。很有可能将来会有更多的人选择素食主义。现在,不仅发达国家的政府,而且不发达国家的政府都在质疑屠杀动物所涉及的残忍行为。此外,杀害动物导致生态失衡。所有这些因素都在很大程度上阻碍了非素食主义或吃肉(劳瑞,r.a.;Ledward, d, 2006)。正是这种同情心能让世界变得更美好,因此,无论个人选择什么样的生活方式和食物,他们都应该专注于在世界上建立更好的爱与和平。只有这样,选择精神科学并将非暴力作为当今时代的一个重要概念才会富有成效。这将有助于确保世界成为一个更适合居住的地方。
从本质上讲,人类是食肉动物,是杂食动物,而不是素食主义者。由于人类的诞生,肉是人类饮食的一个重要来源,吃肉可以被认为是可以接受的。人类是一个猎人,农业革命发生在历史的较晚时期。此外,地球上没有足够的农作物来养活每一个人,所以把人类变成素食主义者是不现实的。肉类被认为是蛋白质的丰富来源,而蛋白质对人类的发展是必不可少的。我们生活在一个营养不良极其普遍的世界,从长远来看,吃肉可以帮助解决几个与营养有关的问题。这对发展中国家和不发达国家来说更为重要。在人类历史上,动物的肉一直被当作食物来食用,而且由于世界各地都不容易获得天然产品,因此不能作为一种实践来加以限制。在世界上许多地方,人们高度依赖肉类作为食物来源,因此人们认为吃肉是可以接受的(Mari Womack, 2010)。

新西兰 找工作:人类是否可以屠杀动物

Man is quite adaptable and can live without eating meat. It is quite possible for him to survive without having to kill animals. Moreover the agriculture revolution has brought in so much of food options for man that he does not have to depend on killing of animals for food. This does indicate that vegetarianism is an option for several people who wish to choose it. It is quite possible that larger number of people opt for vegetarianism in the future. The cruelty involved in killing of animals is now being questioned by governments not only in developed countries but also in underdeveloped countries. Moreover killing of animals results in ecological imbalance. All of these elements do discourage non vegetarianism or meat eating to a great extent (Lawrie, R. A.; Ledward, D. A,2006).It is this compassion which can make the world a better place to live and so no matter what way of life and food options are chosen by individuals, it is extremely important that they focus on establishing better levels of love and peace in the world. Only then it would be fruitful to opt for spiritual sciences and bring in non violence as an important concept in present times. It would help ensure that the world becomes a better place to live.
By nature, man is a meat eater, an omnivore and not a vegetarian. As man was created such that meat forms an important source of his diet, meat eating may be considered acceptable. Man was a hunter and the agriculture revolution took place much later in history. Moreover there aren’t sufficient crops on this planet to sustain every one and so it is not practical to convert the human race into vegetarian. Meat is considered to be a rich source of protein which is essential for human development. We live in a world where malnutrition is extremely common and meat eating can help resolve several nutrition related problems in the long run. It is even more essential in case of developing and underdeveloped countries. Animal flesh has been eaten as food for ever in human history and cannot be curbed as a practice as natural produce is not easily available everywhere in the world. In many parts of the world, there is high dependency on meat as a source of food and so it has been considered as acceptable to eat meat (Mari Womack, 2010).