



至少从古希腊开始,对人类的研究就是一种诗意的尝试,一种猜想和探索。像柏拉图和亚里士多德这样的哲学家,对人的意义以及人类在自然界和宇宙中的地位进行了推测。塔西佗(公元55年至117年)可能是用拉丁语写作的最伟大的历史学家。塔西佗可能出生在高卢南部或意大利北部。他研究了言辞。他娶了格涅乌斯·朱利叶斯·阿格里科莱的女儿为妻。1月1日,历史开始了。作品包含12或14本书。它只以历史和编年史而闻名。卢克莱修(Titus Lucretius Carus)是一位哲学家和拉丁诗人。他以一首关于事物本质的长诗《自然》而闻名于世。这首诗是对希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁的物理理论最好的生动描述。一群精英历史学家对文艺复兴时期幸灾乐祸、以西欧为中心的形象很容易接受,认为它是当代和进步的强大附庸。


Historically speaking, anthropology is a European discipline. There have been many pioneers in the field of anthropology, led by the Russian and Greeks in the early ages and followed by other countries as well in medieval and Renaissance times. Especially during Renaissance, there was some clinical work done by researchers. It is not easily deciphered where we can get the initiating point of Anthropology. What we are merely certain about is that anthropology as the science of humanity developed in ‘the West’ and more especial Great Britain, USA, France, and Germany until World War 2. Opinions are divided on the existence of anthropologists. The issue how long anthropologists have existed can be derived from the question what do you mean by anthropology. Curiosity about people from more remote areas and neighbours has always excited people around the world to research. They have not only married them, fought and gossiped about them but also told various true and untrue stories about them. And some were compared about the common qualities every human being has and the assumptions about people elsewhere.

At least since the ancient times of the Greeks the study of mankind has been a poetic attempt, a matter for conjecture and for probe. Philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, surmised on what it meant to be human and on what mankind’s place was in nature and in the universe. Tacitus (55 to 117 AD) was probably the greatest historian who wrote in Latin languages. Tacitus was born possibly in Southern Gaul or in Northern Italy. He studied rhetoric. He married the daughter of Gnaeus Julius Agricolae. On 1st January, 69 the History began. The work contains 12 or 14 books. It is known only for the Histories and Annals.Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus) is a Philosopher and Latin poet. He is well famously known for his single long poem De res natura (On the Nature of Things). The poem is the best living statement of the physical theory of the Greek philosopher Epicurus.An elite group of historians are easy with the gloating and western Europe-focused image of the Renaissance as the overpowering adjoin of contemporary and advancement.