


财务或经济表现表明公司有能力与市场需求保持一致,制定适当的战略,以最有利可图的方式满足需求,从而提高其销售、品牌价值,并获得可观的利润。此外,财务绩效还寻求满足所有者、投资者、员工和股东的要求和关注。良好表现的最终结果将是与股东建立健康的关系,他们将在更长的时间内保持投资。上述财务报表说明了公司应对市场动荡的能力,以及满足所有者、投资者和股东的期望需求的能力。从报表中可以看出,2014年的每股收益较2013年有所下降(Myer Annual Report 2014, 2014)。这表明经营成本一直在上升,销售一直停滞不前。与去年相比,该公司的净现金流也较弱,并已大幅下降。对于Myer来说,市场似乎很困难,或者该公司无法利用市场疲软的机会。

现金流量的下降表明销售业务放缓,市场活动受到更多投资的推动。在市场本身疲弱且没有任何复苏迹象的情况下,成本不能也不应该持续上升。当整体市场不好时,就等于销售业绩不佳,公司必须避免在营销活动上投入过多。该公司可能没能研究出,当消费者扮演净储蓄者而非固定支出者的角色时,社会结构会发生什么变化。当收入增长停滞不前,停止增长时,很明显,它将转化为更少的零售支出,这是公司必须理解的问题的关键(Benson, 2012)。市场上有很多供需的把戏,可支配收入的涨跌,这直接影响到零售商,而Myer是一家固定成本很高的大型百货店零售商。因此,必须将固定成本降至最低,并采取额外措施,使用可变员工、节能照明和削减员工的其他福利,将薪酬转化为绩效薪酬。


Financial or economic performance speaks about the company’s ability to align with the market demands, formulate an appropriate strategy and deliver the demands in the most profitable manner such that it enhances its sales, brand equity and also makes substantial profits. In addition, financial performance also seeks to meet the demands and concerns of the owners, the investors, employees, and the shareholders. End result of a good performance will end up in healthy relationship with the shareholders and they will stay invested for a longer period of time. The above financial statement speaks about the company’s ability to handle the market turbulence and deliver the desired demands of the owners, investors, and shareholders. From the statement it is seen that the EPS for 2014 has declined compared to what it was in 2013 (Myer Annual Report 2014, 2014). This indicates that the cost of doing business has been rising and the sales have been stagnated. The company also has a weaker net cash flows compared to the previous year and has declined to a significant amount. The market seems to be difficult for Myer or the company is not able to capitalise on the weakness of the market.

The decline in cash flows indicates a slow sales business and the marketing activity was pushed hard by being invested more. The cost cannot and must not be consistently increased when the market itself is weak and does not indicate any revival. When the overall market is bad, it is tantamount to a low sales result and the company must avoid investing heavily into marketing activities. The company probably failed to study the social structure changes that take place when customers assume a role of net savers than set spenders. When the rising income is stagnant and stops from being raised, it is apparent that it will convert into less retail spending and this is the crux of the problem that the company must understand (Benson, 2012). Market plays a lot of tricks of demand and supply and rise and fall of disposable income and this has a direct impact on retailers, and Myer is a large departmental store retailer with heavy fixed costs. Thus, the fixed costs must be reduced to a minimum with extra measures of using variable employees, energy efficient lightings and cutting down other perks to employees and convert pay into a performance based one.