


在大多数情况下,直升机式养育是防止儿童被绑架、猥亵的唯一方法。然而,这在大多数情况下并不适用于千禧一代(McGinley, 2018, p. 105)。父母有能力看到他们的儿子/女儿转变的每一个珍贵时刻。每个人都被塑造成在物质世界中有抱负和成功的人。他们为个人放弃一切,希望他们的孩子在学业上取得好成绩,为了一个更好的未来。在遇到欺凌和青春期问题时,父母可以在孩子精神崩溃时帮助他们。在这些情况下,个体需要他们的父母。在某些情况下,它们可以完全预防这些问题。这些是父母们给出的直升机式教育的常见原因。直升机式教育也有一些缺点。具体如下。此外,这些父母对孩子的需要承担了太多的责任。

这种情况一直持续到孩子成年。他们往往对孩子的成功或失败耿耿于怀。这意味着他们参与了被认为是过度控制、过度保护和过度完善的个人生活。他们是负责任的父母,但实际上他们扼杀了成年子女的自然能力。“直升机父母”一开始的理念就是要保证每个人的生活质量。它们常常表现为完美。忙碌的父母对孩子有很多好处。他们理解被爱和被接受的感觉。它们有助于建立自信,并提供成长机会的指导。这个系统的问题是,父母的养育方式导致孩子被恐惧所控制。他们也不知道会发生什么(Schiffrin & Liss, 2017, p. 1472)。恐惧和挑战导致孩子无法学习技能。这使得父母开始把孩子当作自己的财产。


In most of the cases, the helicopter parenting is the only way to prevent children from being abducted, molested. However, this will not apply for millennials in most cases (McGinley, 2018, p. 105). The parents have the ability to watch each of the precious moment of their son/daughter transformation. The individuals are made to become ambitious and succeed in the material world. They give up everything for the individuals and hope that their children do well academically for a better future. In cases of bullying and issues of adolescence, the parent can help the individuals while they have nervous breakdown. For these cases, the individuals will need their parents. In some cases, they can prevent these issues entirely. These are the common reasons given by the parents for being helicopter parenting. There are some disadvantages of the helicopter parenting. They are detailed in the following. Moreover, these parents take too much responsibility for the needs of the children.

This continues into the adulthood of the child. They tend to brood over the success or failure of their children. This means they are involved in the individual’s life which is deemed to be over controlling, overprotecting and over perfecting. They act as responsible parenting when in reality they are stifling the natural ability of their adult children. The starting ideology of being helicopter parents is about good intentions of ensuring quality life for the individuals. They often manifest on being perfected. The engaged parenting has numerous benefits for the child. They understand the sentiments of being loved and accepted. They aid towards the building of self-confidence and provide guidance of the opportunities to grow. The issue with this system is that the parenting causes the child to be governed by fear. They also do not know the decisions as to what could happen (Schiffrin & Liss, 2017, p. 1472). The fear and the challenges cause the child to not learn skills. This aspect makes the parents to start treating the children as their property.