


统一主义和多元主义是两种独特的管理形式,它们不仅在概念上不同,而且在人力资源开发的方法上也不同。在单一制的环境中,管理者为公司的利益而工作,在多元化的环境中,管理者与员工合作,为公司和员工的利益而妥协。在多元主义中,权力不集中于管理,而管理和工作人员有共同的利益、目标和目标。(阿伦,2011)。人力资源管理与人事管理的显著区别在于,人力资源管理是一种现代的人事管理方法,而人事管理是一种传统的方法,主要是使用公平的雇佣条款来管理。人力资源管理将人事管理运作与公司的战略目标相结合,并围绕公司员工制定组织发展程序。人事管理的范围围绕职能程序,例如规划、工作分析、雇用工作人员、发薪、培训、评价和其他相关的任务。另一方面,人力资源管理包括领导力、组织文化、激励、沟通、战略价值等(Wistrom, 2015)。

哈佛的人力资源管理模式将员工理解为资源,员工也会感知到不同的资源。每一种资源都被单独对待,完全集中在人身上。哈佛的方法是最好的,因为它在每个业务中相互标识每个元素。此外,员工被认为是组织中的利益相关者,他们每个人都有自己的个人需求和愿望,以及公司的其他客户或股东。哈佛模式之所以重要,是因为它将人力资源政策概括为四个关键领域,包括人力资源流动、员工影响、奖励制度和工作程序。此外,完整的哈佛人力资源管理模式导致了四个C的能力,一致性,承诺和成本效益。它之所以被视为规范模型,是因为它将人力资源确定为有价值的资产,而不是可变成本;此外,这也意味着员工作为获得竞争优势的资产的承诺(Price, 2015)。


The unitarism and pluralism are two distinctive forms of management which not only differ in concepts but also in their approach towards human resource development. The manager in unitarism environment work for the welfare of the company while in pluralism the manager works in cooperation with employees and make compromises for the betterment of the company and the employees. In pluralism the power is not centred on the management and management and staff share common interests, objectives and goals.(Aron, 2011).The significant difference between human resource management and personnel management is that HRM is a modern approach towards managing people while personnel management is a traditional approach which is primarily administered using equitable terms of the employment. HRM integrates personnel management operations with strategic goals of the company along with organizational development procedures which revolve around employees of the company. The scope of personnel management revolves around functional procedures such as planning, job analysis, hiring of staff, payroll, training, appraisals and other interrelated tasks. HRM on the other hand includes leadership, organization culture, motivation, communication, strategic values etc (Wistrom, 2015).

The Harvard model of HRM interprets employees as resources, moreover they also perceived different from resource to resource. Each of this resource is treated separately and the complete concentration is on people. The Harvard approach is best because it identify every element mutually in every business. Moreover employees are considered stakeholders in the organization and each one of them have their personal needs and desires along with other customers or shareholders of the company.The Harvard model is significant because it outlines the HR policy into four key areas which include human resource flows, employee influence, reward systems and work procedures. Moreover the complete Harvard model of HRM lead towards four C’s which are competence, congruence, commitment and cost effectiveness. It is regarded as the normative model because it ascertains human resources as valuable assets and not as variable costs; moreover it also signifies the commitment of employees as an asset for gaining competitive advantage(Price, 2015).