


叙利亚人口1810万,2015年GDP增长0.4%。通货膨胀率已上升到29.2%,这是一个相当高的数字,引起了人们的关注。这片土地被战争严重破坏,经济自由几乎可以忽略不计。由于石油和税收收入因政府干预而崩溃,该政权没有把重点放在经济发展上。相反,巴珊•阿萨德(Bashan al-Assad)政权被发现集中精力在两个主要领域——军队和公共部门人员的工资。经济上的冲突一直持续到今天,因为有几个领域表明可持续性和不适合于生活。叙利亚的人口每年都在增长。但是,在1 810万人口中,有392万人被列为劳动力,他们主要从事服务业。农业和工业部门是另外两个可以看到劳动力的领域。叙利亚人口增长的劣势在于75%的人口处于贫困线以下(Odekon, 2006)。
这是一个令人震惊的消息,因为它使这个国家变得不友好,不适合任何新企业,而且公共债务也很高。自叙利亚内战爆发以来,经济放缓的速度加快。根据2014年取得的外债记录,债务项下为58.12亿美元,收入不足以偿还外债。内战之后,进口率也一直在下降。人口的迅速增长和人均收入低仍然是叙利亚面临经济问题的两个主要原因。也有人指出,冲突的机会成本很高,由于贫困条件,每个人都不容易利用生活的基本需要(Odekon, 2006)。联合国开发计划署还采取主动,结束贫困状况,为人民创造数十万个就业机会。然而,叙利亚的劳动力并没有很好地参与就业。超过70%的劳动力月收入低于100美元。这表明需要更好的改革来发展经济。


Syria has a population of 18.1 million and 0.4% growth which is observed in its GDP in the recent year of 2015. The inflation has gone to 29.2% which is quite high and has developed concerns among people. This land is greatly devastated by war and the economic freedom is almost negligible. As oil and tax revenues were collapsed due to government intervention, the regime did not focus on economic development. Instead, Bashan al-Assad’s regime was found to concentrate on two major areas – military and wages for public sector people. The conflict in economy continues till date as several areas denote sustainability and inappropriateness for living. The population in Syria is on an increase every year. However, 3.922 million out of 18.1 million population have been categorized as labour force and they are engaged mostly in services sector. Agriculture and industrial sectors are the other two areas where the labour force can be seen. The disadvantage with this population growth of Syria is that about 75% of the population fall below the poverty line (Odekon, 2006).
This is a shocking news as it makes the country unfriendly and inappropriate for any new business and the public debt is also high. Since the Syrian civil war had happened, the economic slowdown happened at a faster pace. As per the records obtained in 2014 for external debts, 5.812 billion USD falls under the debt and the revenues haven’t been sufficient to pay the external debts. The import rate also has been declining after the civil war. The rapid growth in population and low per capita incomes have been remained as two major reasons for the economic issues faced by Syria. It is also observed that the opportunity cost of conflict is high and it is not easier for everyone to avail the basic needs for living due to poverty conditions (Odekon, 2006). The UN Development Program has also taken initiatives to end the poverty scenario and create several hundred thousands of jobs to people. However, the workforce of Syria has not engaged well with the employment. More than 70% of the labour workforce earn below 100 USD a month. This shows the need for better reforms to develop the economy.