


粮食生产的可持续性集中于许多因素。在食品工业中,主要关注的是如何确保制止食品浪费(Goodland, 1997;海勒,M.C. &Keoleian, 2003)。研究表明,提高食品的保质期可以减少浪费(papar陀poulou et al, 2014)。作为一个面包制造商和供应商,关注如何提高保质期是至关重要的,以确保多个目标,如1)停止浪费粮食和2)增加竞争优势,为买家是有保证的。面包是用面粉、水和酵母做成的。根据面包中添加的防腐剂、制备方法和最终产品的不同,其保质期也会有所不同。普通面包的保质期可以是几天到一周,面包房面包的保质期要短得多,面包屑的保质期可以是几个月。某些面包的保质期可以通过冷藏或冷冻来延长,然而,这通常不推荐用于大多数面包品种。

如果延长食品的保质期,就有可能节省22亿英镑。因此,面包的生产和消费将根据面包的类型而变化(Robinson, 2014)。然而,如果食物经过精心准备,保质期可以延长,那么浪费的食物就可以节省下来。现在有两种方法可以延长面包的保质期。首先,使用的包装形式可以改进。研究表明,只要包装有助于延长保质期,哪怕只是一点点,就可以节省开支。其次,面包的保质期可以通过添加防腐剂来延长。所选用的防腐剂不得影响面包的质量。面包和烘焙行业每年£36亿(面包师的联合会,2013)。面包和烘焙产品的总销量约为40亿包,在这种情况下,目前估计平均每天售出1100万包面包(The Federation of Bakers, 2013)。


industry, the primary concern is based on how to ensure food wastage is stopped (Goodland, 1997; Heller, M.C. &Keoleian, 2003). Research studies indicate that improving the shelf life of food could lead to lesser wastage (Papargyropoulou et al, 2014). As a bread manufacturer and supplier it is essential to focus on how shelf life can be improved in order to ensure multiple goals, such as 1) stopping wastage of food and 2) increasing competitive advantage for the buyers is assured. Bread is made with flour, water and yeast. Based on the preservatives that are added to the bread, the preparation method and the final product, its shelf life will vary. Normal bread can have a shelf life of a few days to a week, bakery bread will have a much shorter shelf life and bread crumbs will have a shelf life of a few months. Shelf life of some forms of bread can be extended by refrigerating them or by freezing them, however, this is not usually recommended for most varieties of bread.

Savings of 2.2 billion pounds is possible if the shelf life of food is increased. Food production and consumption of bread will hence vary based on the type of bread (Robinson, 2014). However, the food wastage can be saved if the food is so prepared that its shelf life is increased. Now there are two ways that the bread shelf life can be increased. Firstly, the form of packaging used could be improved. Studies show that where packaging helps increase shelf life by even a marginal amount there can be savings. Secondly the shelf life of bread can be increased by means of addition of preservatives. The preservatives selected must not tamper the quality of bread. The bread and bakery industry is £3.6 billion a year (The Federation of Bakers, 2013). The total volume of bread and bakery products that are being sold is around 4 billion packs, now in this context it has been estimated than an average of 11 million loaves and packs are being sold every day(The Federation of Bakers, 2013).