


在这个时代,城市看到巨大的贸易前景。前往罗马的希腊人形成基线为构建罗马文化。伊特鲁里亚人买了关于贸易的出现和现代豪华的罗马文明(Le Glay,页192)。罗马文明与贸易的伊特鲁里亚人学会了一些技巧,这最终导致了其在八世纪和九世纪期间快速发展。



During this era, the city saw tremendous prospects in trade. The Greeks that travelled to Rome formed the baseline for building the Roman culture. The Etruscans bought about the advent of trade and modern luxury to Roman civilization (Le Glay, pp. 192). The Roman civilization with the Etruscans learned several tricks of trade from them and this eventually led to its fast development during the 8th and 9th Century.

In the quest to have a more modern and powerful empire, the Roman kings also entered into several wars to gain more wealth as well as prestige. However as the Roman civilization grew, there was a growing advent of corruption and crime in the city of Rome (Ogilvie, pp. 136). There were the increasing levels of disparity in the society and the Rich became richer like the Patricians and the slaves formed the working lower class. However, with the growth of the Gracchi brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, there were social and political reform movements.