


In this system, a unique sound is developed. The innovation and the creative talents lie in the hands of the respective audio engineers. Each audio engineer has their own talents and limitations (Gibson, 2005). A job of the audio engineer was to take on a role that is within the recording studio. As recording technology of the people was getting more and more complicated, the role of the engineer started to gain prominence. They were initially pondered to be only a technician; however, they had taken over a number of creative roles in the music production process.
In this analysis, the works of Michael Brauer sound engineer will be probed. The works of this sound engineer will be analysed with the theoretical notions.
About the Musical Era
The 3rd wave of development in the sound and audio recording started around 1945. In this time, the wide spread use of the magnetic tape recording. The technology was originally invented in 1930s. These however remained restricted to Germany until the World War II. The Magnetic tape had provided another leap into the audio fidelity. Allied observers had become aware of the newer technology owing to the audio quality (Miller, 1977). These had stemmed from the pre-recorded programs. These were indistinguishable from the live broadcast. In 1950s and early 1960, the use of the Magnetic tape was pondered to be a standard medium of audio mastering and recording. This had led to the formulation of the multi-track tape recording for the music. These were stored in the form of discs and tapes. In addition, it included the development of the full-frequency-range disc production. A change was observed from the shellac to polyvinyl plastic for the purposes of disc manufacture. It was during this period that invention of 33rpm was done. These included 12-inch-long playable disc and 45rpm 7-inch. This introduction of the domestic and portable tape recorders aided to the higher consumer consumption of music. The music was experienced in a different angle and this was welcomed by the consumers (Gottlieb, 2010). The development of the first “sampling keyboards” and the focus on the tape-based keyboard was during this time. These tools increased the number of ways, and an artist can emulate emotion and reach out to a wider array of people. 4th phase of music recording is considered to be the digital era. There are far reaching and dramatic changes that are observed in the audio recording. In a period of 20 years, the digital sound encoding has gained prominence. A number of short lived “hybrid” studio and consumer technologies had also arisen in this era. There was the development of the digital compact disc in this period. The CDS were gaining gradual prominence. It is evident that the engineering and sound mixing had gained more sophistication. A number of innovative sound engineers had developed during this era. One of the critically acclaimed sound engineers is Michael Brauer. A brief introduction about the techniques used by Brauer has been detailed in the following.

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