


Vintage fashion已被认定为一个通用术语,指的是历史或前一个时代服装的起源。这个短语也可以和零售店联系起来,比如古着店。从广义上讲,20世纪20年代以前生产的服装时装可以看作是古董服装,而20世纪20年代到现在20年前生产的服装则被称为vintage。这包括模仿上一个时代的风格(Van-de-Peer 2014)。许多社会学家认为,时尚被认为是一个重要的社会标志,因此,服装被个人用来作为一种工具,以实现社会一致性和均等化,因为他们努力争取个人的意义和差异。Gilles Lipovetsky在《时尚帝国》(The Empire of Fashion)中指出,时尚在当代社会中一直扮演着重要的角色(Lipovetsky1994)。他描述了随着时尚的演变,服装所表达的文化价值和意义在整个社会中扮演着重要的角色,特别是作为一种高地位和个性的表达。

同时,现代时尚也进入了开放时尚的下一个阶段。在这个阶段,一些原则和风格的外观可以结合在一起,以创建个人身份。更进一步,伊丽莎白·威尔逊在《装饰与梦想》一书中提到,时尚的变化不仅反映了人们的反应,而且也反映了人们的自我矛盾感(威尔逊2003)。威尔逊还创造了一个关于什么是时尚感的讨论,不仅是为了脱颖而出,也是为了融入人群,在服装上的独享,同时也在同一时间跟风。当vintage fashion和retro被特别提到时,它可以被比作是仿制品。模仿是指在创作新作品时模仿各种风格(Shearer 2013)。这两个作品都将被利用,同时解释与vintage相关的关键方面对流行的贡献,以及vintage是否让时尚在设计和风格上向前发展。


Vintage fashion has been identified as a generic term for origination of garments from history or previous era. There is also use of this phrase to connect with an outlet of retail such as the store of vintage clothing. In the general sense, clothing fashion produced before the years of 1920s can be considered as antique clothing, and clothing from the years of 1920s to 20 years prior to the current day is referred to as vintage. This involves the imitation of style from the previous era (Van-de-Peer 2014). As per a number of sociologists, fashion has been identified as a key social marker as per which, clothing is utilized by individuals as a tool for achievement of both, social coherence and equalization as they struggle for individual significance and differentiation. It has been identified by Gilles Lipovetsky, in “The Empire of Fashion” that fashion has been playing a significant role within the contemporary society (Lipovetsky1994). He depicts that with the evolution of fashion, the values and meanings of culture being expressed in clothing play a significant role across the society, specifically as an expression of high position and individuality.

Also, there has been a movement of modern fashion to the next phase of open fashion. In this phase, a number of principles and styles of appearance can be combined together for the creation of individual identity. Further ahead, it had been mentioned by Elizabeth Wilson in “Adorned with Dreams” that changes across fashion not only provides a representation of reaction, but it also represents the sense of self- contradiction (Wilson 2003). Wilson has also created a discussion regarding what is the sense of being fashionable, not only for standing out but also blending in the crowd, being exclusive in clothing while following the current trend at the same point of time. When vintage clothing and retro is specifically addressed, it can be compared to pastiche. Pastiche refers to imitating various styles for the creation of new work (Shearer 2013). There will be utilization of both the works while explaining the key aspects related to vintage contributing to the popularity and if vintage has been allowing the forward movement of fashion with respect to design and style.