


In the second stanza of the poem, the poet states that he had taken the other less travelled role. This is where has been moved quite proficiently by the poet. He had taken a road that was less travelled. A continuity is observed and it enables the reader to gain a sense of the reasons to take a different route. A sense of uncertainty is evident in the portrayal. The author is trying to discuss about the indecisiveness in the reason for discussing about the poem. This shows that how people tend to reminiscence about the action at a later time. The reasons for the decision by the poet are evident. He had wanted to explore and look at the world from a different angle. A conciliatory disposition is evident in the portrayal.
The act of taking another road in the woods was a symbolic significant gesture by the poet. This is reflected in the statement.
“I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”

The speaker is reflecting on the incident. This is probably the most important part of the poem. It explores the final judgement by the poet. It is human nature to wonder about the possibility of taking a particular choice. It is evident in the poem that there is a sense of self satisfaction that is observed in the portrayal of the words of the poet. A constant revising and introspection of the activities is done by the author. The poet tries to make himself feel satisfied for making a particular choice. There is a big “if” that is hidden in the portrayal. The ambiguity in the interpretation of how the poet feels is made clear in the presentation of the poem. This is an observation of the human emotions and how people often look back wonder about the other stand. In this notion, The Road Not Taken is a critical poem that is found to misinterpret the poem of the benefits of free thinking and not adhering to the crowd. Frost intention was to comment about the indecision and finding the meaning in one of the most inconsequential decisions. Yet certain seemingly inconsequential has a profound impact in the lives of the people. This theory is evident in the portrayal. This also showcases the irony of life and how certain small events has the tenacity to shift the direction of life.
This poem is a portrayal of the emotions that are felt by the poet. It also encompasses the human emotions that a person feels in this paradigm. A person will make a choice without looking at all the options. It looks into the nuances of human emotion and how people waver after making a decision. This innate conundrum and the need for self-approval have been portrayed. It is owing to this factor of analysis that there is ambiguity. From a personal standpoint, it is felt that the ambiguity in the poem reflects the ambiguous nature of humans and how certain small events can shift the direction of life. This was the main allusions that can be drawn from this poem.

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