


The combination of the internal and external environment effects for Eataly does tend towards some stability. However, the business scenarios of globalization and internationalization have pushed Eataly into dynamic environments (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004; Porter, 1996). People are becoming aware and are placing newer demands (Taylor, 2006). For instance, Eataly case study, itself shows that customers now ask for different categories in milk, such as raw milk. Consumers all around the world are to a certain extent aware of the sustainable food sourcing and the need to consume responsibly. The fast food trend and its negative association with obesity and related metabolism disorders are no longer a secret for the consumer (Ghoshal, 1987). However, cost has once again become a priority after the recession effects at the beginning years of this decade (Andrews, 2008). Once again, the case study notes that the worsening state of household incomes in major points like Piedmont might become a threat for the sustained success of Eataly.

The way to implement this solution is to aim at managing costs by more innovative responsible negotiations with the suppliers. Secondly, the impact of restaurants operational costs in the overall Eataly market share must be reduced. The case study shows that while the largest earning is from the grocery department, the largest operational costs are associated with the restaurants. The restaurants are about 40 percent of the total cost structure with procurement costs being 20 percent of the total cost structure. While the dining aspects cannot be eliminated completely, controlling costs in an innovative way will reduce costs to the consumer directly.

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