




In their report, ‘Wealth; Having it all and wanting more’, Oxfam International has shocked with their figurative research that the wealth distribution is such that, one percent of the world’s population will hold about 50% of the wealth and the rest 50% is being held by and distributed among the remaining 99%. These numbers have actually come down from the 1% population holding 48% of the worlds’ wealth and 99% holding the rest 52% in 2014. This change itself is the reason for the existence of the Occupy movement. If all the governments, large corporations, economists and CEO’s of multinationals have been preaching that they are against inequality and for equality in income and all other benefits, why there has been a decline in the figures of wealth distribution which is nowhere to be seen as equal when compared with the entire population. The distribution of wealthat the current level is very disturbing and it is still worsening, which is a big worry for the poor and those on the side of 99% of population. Oxfam further produced another report in which it stated that the worlds 1% richest people will own more than all the rest of the people by the end of 2016 (Oxfam International, 2015), indicating the ballooning of unequal distribution of income across borders. The large corporations are supposed to invest back into social security and be responsible corporations with the idea of removing inequality and justifying their actions of growth of industrial development and polluting the environments. However, the corporations are more focussed on improving their balance sheet, serving the interest of their shareholders, increasing personal income instead of investing the same back into creating socially responsible programs and distributing the wealth from where they have been able to earn their income.