


In most of the vineyards in China, a number of fertilizers are carried per year. In general, during the day there are three or four different kinds of chemical fertilizers are applied after the bud break, during the times of flowering, the rapid growth of the young fruit and the process of maturation of the grape berries. In general, the main fertilizers that are used in the wine grapes include the nitrogenous and phosphorus based fertilizers which are supplied in the initial two or three applications. During the times of maturation of berries, potash based fertilizers are applied. In addition to this, a high quality of manure is applied during the time of harvest. The fertilizers which are generally used in France uses the phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. In New Zealand, Nitrogen fertilizers are generally used for the process of fertilization. This not only helps in the control of the large number of diseases, but it fulfil nitrogen requirements which is required for the growth of wine grapes in New Zealand.

Thereby, it can be found that the wine grape production in France and New Zealand is much more favourable in comparison to China. This is because of the climatic conditions, temperature and the soil. The high quality wine can be produced in France and New Zealand can be easily prepared in China because of the favourable weather conditions. In China, the weather conditions are not very appropriate leading to the middle range production of wine grapes. Though, the production rate of wine grapes isn’t very bad in China and it stills the fifth largest producer of wine in the world.

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