


劳动过程理论是建立在资本主义概念下的劳动组织意识形态基础上的理论。根据马克思的劳动过程,它指的是劳动作为一个变量,释放到物质或物化的使用价值。劳动可以被认为是实际工作人员与环境之间发生的一种相互作用,在这种环境中,要素以有意和谨慎的方式被有意改变。根据劳动过程理论,有三个方面需要考虑。这三个变量是人们有目的的行为或活动。第二个变量是作品本身的实际变量,第三个变量是特定作品的工具位置。从经济学的角度来看,它可以被定义为为普遍物质主义和生产力所准备的生存资料的必需品的简单平均数(Bray, 1994)。这三个因素模拟了环境和元素之间的内在关系。
由此,可以理解为野猪过程是实际的工作组织。我们可以从马克思的劳动理论出发来探讨这一问题。根据马克思理论,工人和生产力有三个要素(Burawoy, 1978)。第一个是实际的工作行为,第二个是预先定义的工作对象和物理工具,通过它可以生产材料。其直接结果是,劳动力过程产生了过剩。劳动过程被发现无论是在资本主义社会还是在社会主义社会的社区中都是被模仿的(韦伯,1978)。然而,劳动、结构和组织对劳动过程的控制表明社会中存在的宏观环境社会(Braverman, 1974)。这一劳动过程理论批判了弗雷德里克·W·泰勒的科学管理理论。布雷弗曼的理论假设填补了理论的空白和问题。


Labour process theory is a theory that has been proposed based on the ideologies of the organization of work under capitalistic notions. According to the Marx labour processes, it refers to the labour as a variable that released to the material or objectified use values. Labour can be considered as an interaction that occurs between the person who actual works with the environment where the elements deliberately altered in a purposeful and cautious manner. According to the labour process theory, there are three folds that need to be considered. The three variables are the purposeful action or activity of the people. Second variable is the actual variable of the work in itself and the third variable is the place of instrument of the particular work. From an economic standpoint, it can be defined as a simple mean of necessaries of the means of subsistence that are ready for the universal materialism and productivity (Bray, 1994). These three factors emulate that inherent relationship between the environment and the elements.
From this, it can be construed that the boar process is the actual work organization. The initial point of discussion can be utilized by considering the labour theory proposed by Marx. According to the Marx theory, it has been postulated that there are three elements for the worker and productivity (Burawoy, 1978). The first is the actual act of working, the second is the predefined subject where it is worked and the physical instrument by which this leads to the production of the material. As a direct consequent of this, there is surplus that is generated from the labour processes.Labour process is found to be emulated in both the capitalist or socialist societies in the communities (Weber, 1978). However, the labour, structural and organization control of labour process is indicative of the macro environmental society within where exists in the societies (Braverman, 1974).This labour process theory critiques Frederick W Taylor theory of scientific management. The gaps and the issues in the theory are added by the theories postulated by Braverman.
