

新西兰论文代写-可口可乐公司的业务层战略。该公司应该专注于其商业战略的演变,成为一个只销售饮料的公司,包括不含糖和低糖的选择,以各种类别。关键的重点应该是跨不同地区的软件包销售(Kent & Ignatius, 2011)。与以消费者为中心的品牌集中化相关的投资组合的建立,应将重点从销售自己想要的,转向销售顾客想要购买的。由于可口可乐的主要产品是可口可乐的忠实客户,公司将不得不采取多方面的方法来满足这些客户不断变化的需求和口味。

Based on the internal and external analysis, a crucial value is added by the change in the core activities performed by Coca Cola as the business has specific reliability on the suppliers, the sale of product by the people and the bottling companies (Banerjee, 2011). The company has independent bottling partners as an important part of the system of Coca Cola for manufacturing, packaging and distributing the final product. This involves the sale of beverage process in which there is transfer of final products to the warehouse of Coca Cola for further distribution to outlets of retail (Cowan et al., 2010). The company has specific dependence on employees distributing their products to the final customers.
They are treated with significant importance and respect while realizing the significance of work to the system of Coca Cola. The system is utilized since years and hence, there is crucial requirement to initiate change with an aggressive strategy of marketing (Caplan et al., 2013). The company should be continuously working on development and research while focusing on the manufacture of new products. The company shows significant concern towards its employees and workers while acknowledging their treatment with respect and ensuring they are given opportunities of innovation.

Considering the Kant theory of ethics, respecting human rights and dignity is the main source and the final outcome. The moral theory of Kant that morality is specifically related to duty and not just depends upon results but the morality to do the right thing and not do the wrong thing (Jones et al., 2011). Based on this fundamental moral principle, Coca Cola should first consider various damages that it has caused across the globe through its production and the product itself with constructive plans for approaching ethics.
The damages caused by Coca Cola to workers in its bottling plants must be addressed significantly for avoiding any further workforce, environmental and ecological damage (Bauman & Skitka, 2012). Internal changes must be introduced by Coca Cola in its product to address the health consciousness of employees and the list of natural ingredients. The company should start showing some moral support to the safety and health of the customers. It is necessary to initiate changes in the processes as well to ensure transparency in quality control, water utilization, methods of waste disposal and operation (Karnani, 2014).

There can be reduction in calories and sugar followed by the offer of drinks providing health advantages such as nutrition and hydration (Kumar et al., 2012). There can be expansion in the availability of convenient, smaller packages for controlling sugar with more easy and providing easy-to-find, clear calorie data to assist individuals for making informed decisions. The company should start paying attention to recommendations provided by leading authorities of health care such as WHO. People should consider the limiting their consumption of additional sugar based on their daily calories in total (Burnett & Welford, 2007). The company needs to consider the implementation of actions and policies in alignment with the overall strategy.

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