



众所周知,新兴市场的规模和增长速度正以惊人的速度增长。随后,它吸引了世界各地的投资。这也有助于促进公司在国际市场的发展。他们设法获得了巨大的品牌价值和消费者的惠顾。在这种情况下,emnc被发现参与国际活动(Petras, 2006)。这包括利用它们在当地的资源与大型跨国公司竞争。这也有助于他们在新的市场中获得竞争优势。具体来说,当地的生产设施和销售网络使emnc能够在当地市场上巩固自己的地位。当市场份额达到饱和点时,他们就把这种地方特有的优势转化为企业特有的优势。

他们将这种意识形态运用到海外市场Cuervo-Cazurra, & Ramamurti,(2014)很明显,EMNCs的成功源于其早期的全球视角。与以服务本地市场为起点的跨国公司不同,有些跨国公司的目标是进军全球市场。为了赶上他们的对手,他们在一开始就利用现有资产将自己与成熟的跨国公司联系起来。从中我们可以学到如何弥补技术和战略的缺失(Ramamurti, 2009))。由于这一因素,值得注意的是,文化背景可以替代制度空白,构建稳健的社会网络。他们受到社会规范和国内及国际市场现有意识形态的影响。


在对南南直接投资的驱动力进行调查的过程中,60发现EMNCs认为文化熟悉度和市场相似性高于制度风险。由于这些问题,有必要了解这些市场的客户需求,这将有助于促进更好的服务模式,公司将能够提供一个合适的价格的服务(Cuervo-Cazurra, & Ramamurti, 2014)。Williamson(2015)描述了创新是emnc竞争优势的一个来源,它嵌入在产品、流程和商业模式中。为了更详细的解释这一因素,一些emnc已经推出了与amnc相当甚至优于其产品的新产品。由于这一因素,他们能够开发出质量更高、成本更低的产品。



It is acknowledged that the scale and growing speed of emerging markets is growing at a phenomenal rate. Subsequent to this development it attracts investment worldwide. This also helps facilitate the growth of the company in the international markets. They manage to garner immense brand equity and consumer patronage. Under such circumstance, EMNCs are found involve themselves in international activities (Petras, 2006). This includes utilizing their properties of local resources to compete with AMNCs. This also helps them gain a competitive advantage in newer markets. Specifically, local production facilities and distribution network enable EMNCs to consolidate itself in the local market. When market share has reached saturation point, they turned this local-specific advantages into firm-specific advantages.
They utilize this ideology in the overseas market Cuervo-Cazurra, & Ramamurti, (2014) It is quite clear that the success of EMNCs is owing to their global perspective at early stage. Unlike AMNCs who start by serving local market, some EMNCs set their aim of engaging in global market. In order to catch up their counterparts, they take advantage of available assets at the beginning to link themseles with mature multinationals. From this there is learning to make up for the absence of technology and strategy (Ramamurti, 2009)). Owing to this factor it is worth to note that the cultural background can substitute institutional voids and construct robust social network. They are influenced by the social conformities and existing ideologies of the domestic as well as the international markets.

In this process of investigating the driving forces of the South-South FDI, 60 find that EMNCs regard cultural familiarity and market similarity above institutional risks. Due to these issues there is a need to comprehend needs of customer in those market, This would help facilitate better service model and companies will be able to provides services with a suitable price (Cuervo-Cazurra, & Ramamurti, 2014).Williamson (2015) describe that innovation is a source of competitive advantages for EMNCs, which embedded in product, process as well as business model. To explain this factor in detail, some EMNCs have launched new products equivalent or even superior to products of AMNCs. They have been able to develop products that are higher in quality and lower in cost owing to this factor.
They are able to modify existing technologies. They link their location-specific assets to firm-specific assets to reach the low-cost standards. In this process they unlock and develop strong consumer patronage markets at home and overseas. They develop loyal consumer patronage and brand equity for the individual products. Further to this, these companies establish more profitable business model by getting around impediments and increasing value-added services. In another way, it illustrates that EMNCs innovation in organizational form are interesting and have developed unique methodology. They have developed a working methodology by introducing highly unconventional global cellular clusters and intricate multilayered global operations that can be integrated.