


Plastic disposal in oceans is one of the major environmental problems that the world is facing. There are many initiatives for preventing the use of plastics in their various forms. However, even though these procedures are continuing since a long time, there is still an annual plastic production of greater than 260 million. Studies that were conducted to look into the problem of plastic disposal in oceans have revealed that floating layers or patches of the non-biodegradable waste has occupied about a few million square kilometres of the surface of oceans. At least five of such patches have been detected and Pacific Ocean comprises of three patches and two patches are detected in the Atlantic Ocean. The duration for degradation of such plastics is yet unknown. The plastic is disposed in oceans in many ways, either through the wind, by washing out from the coastlines or through spilling the waste overboard from different ships. Charles Moore, who was a researcher attempting to raise awareness about the issue of plastic disposal in oceans, found a great sea of floating plastic in a region between the sea routes from Hawaii to California. He suspected that floating layer was merely the tip of an iceberg. After a detailed research by collecting samples from the area, Moore and his team found that plastics outweighed zooplankton present by a huge ratio and they increased phenomenally over the years. Another oceanographer Angelique White claims that the problem is the inability to find answers to various questions on the effect of such disposal.
The report suggests that the micro-plastics in the oceans are very problematic to the marine habitats. It recommends that after disposal, the plastics in the large oceans are converted into micro plastics which cause troubles to fishes or marine animals. Determining the consequences of micro plastics on the marine food has been the goal of SEAPLEX. It is shown that many micro plastics in the Pacific Ocean garbage are scraped by the SEAPLEX team. Using recent data and observation, they found that micro plastics distribution in the ocean affects the biological growth. Due to these problems, it results in the submerging of debris. It is very impractical to eliminate the plastic from the ocean. Therefore, it is required that human beings develop a technology to get rid of these hazards which will be able to free the dirt from the sea floor. According to J. William Schopf, the on-going process would occur very soon to get rid of these problems. In the oceans, many plants and animals have been found with plastic holdings at a significant distance from their identified habitats. It presents an ecological interaction between micro plastics and microorganisms. These plastics could inflict harm to indigenous species. For these reasons, many types of researchers and scientists are trying to find the causes as soon as possible to get rid of these difficulties. There should be global awareness raised against the potential costs of the marine debris to marine biodiversity and coastal communities.

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