


Bullying not only has negative effect on individual but also on organization. For individual, the effect of low morale and productivity damages to health and low concentration on employees. The employees lose their physical and mental well-being in this situation. Apart from the companies also lose a lot in this process. They lose valuable employees, have to deal with leave of absence and also incur cost form dealing with lawsuits. To deal with this issue the companies should first set ethical guidelines, provide training, assess the situation clearly and continually monitor the solutions. This would lead to a better workplace environment and would help all the people involved in the process.
To address the complaint of bullying there should be a trained third party. The employees should know that their voices will be heard and an impartial person would address their issue.
Another reason let they fear to report bullying to their managers is they worried they might lose their job. The best practice is when parities to complaints procedure, there should be a support system for the people in question and a neutral third party to address this issue. The impartial third party will reduce psychological pressure of the employees to state their problem without reservation. This would lead to finding of solution.

According to Caponecchia, Carlo and Anne (not family name (yr), target confuse that what type of behavior they have been exposed such as bullying or poor management practices. There should be better training programs given to the people to handle the issue of bullying in the workplace. The people should understand when they are being bullied and find ways to rsolve them (Caponecchia, and Wyatt, 2011) it is important that all staffs must know that bullying is a serious offence. Employees have a depth understanding of bullying, which can help they recognize that reducing the rates of bullying occur in their workplace and they taking action to against bullying are their responsibility (Caponecchia, and Wyatt, 2011)

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