


Reflection is the most important and integral part of the learning exercise and may be of the types of visual, auditory or kinaesthetic. The task of reflecting on one’s own experiences helps others to learn from it but at the same also serves as introspection for the self. In this exercise, most of the learning was through inquiry and observation. Research is the systematic investigation and study of materials from various sources so as to establish certain facts and thereby be able to reach new findings and conclusion. Learning is a gradual and steady process that occurs in phases and is to be accomplished in stages.
The process of research is systematic and helps the researcher to think and act in an organized manner. Most of the research work originates from thought and exploration on certain topics and facts. Then this is supported by the data collected from various sources that include first-hand information collated by the researcher themselves and also from various published and written articles.
In order to accomplish this task of research and learning through the process, I underwent the study of many learning models of which I found the Kolb’s model most relevant to the study. The David Kolb’s model is based on the concepts of experiential learning. The model is basically a cycle and it is said that the four stages have to be cyclically completed in order to have successfully achieved the stage of learning. When these stages occur successively the learning on the subject or topic area is said to have been accomplished. I went through the four stages even though it is said that all the four stages may not have to be visited by certain individuals in order to learn (Gray, 2014). Many a time there is more of one stage has been undergone in the process.
The accommodator stage that included concrete experience combined with active experimentation and practical learning was the most used stage of learning for me. In this the hands-on experience is the most integral part and used generally by physical therapists and people of their kind. After gaining hands on experience the learner converges to intellectual conceptualisation and solid, material learning. Each of these stages is accompanied by strong and active experiments and trials.
On the whole, the learning experience was quite useful to my study and provided me with a great deal of insights and thoughts for further inspection. It was also necessary that I carry out a learning style inventory which is a method of assessment of the learning style of the individual. Largely, the kinaesthetic style was put to use that made the use of physical touch and hands or body to the study. Research includes more of physical and intellectual work and hence the tasks are field based with a bit of deskwork also.

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