


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure. There should be more understanding of the actual disease to prevent and manage the condition (Razavi et al., 2013). 36 cohort studies were used to understand about the nuances of the disease and its impact on the surrounding system. It was found that there has been an increase of the number of diseases by 16020. But it expected to reduce by the year 2030.

The prevalence of liver associated disease is found to increase with the chronic HCV infections. The total costs estimated for the treatment of the disease is 9.1 billion dollar at an average (Razavi et al., 2013). This could range from 6.4 to 13.3 billion. Lifetime costs are estimated to be around 64490 dollars (Razavi et al., 2013). This cost is higher with patients whose life expectancy is higher. This is significantly higher than patients who do not have the disease. Hence, the rising costs of HCV infections is expected to rise owing to the inflation in the coming years and this would cause a substantial burden to the existing financial state of the country and the health care system (Razavi et al., 2013).

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