


该报告显示,大多数组织无法执行与变更有关的战略,因此未能从变更中实现预期的目标。对研究的分析揭示了一些关键因素,这些因素决定了变革实施方案的成功(Hayes, 2014)。这些因素包括:高层管理人员的激励和薪酬的增加、人力资源参与的增加、灵活和准时的沟通,以及一种激发和促进变革的企业文化、变革的领导者和对变革的支持。除了这些因素,其他一些影响因素还有有效的培训计划、绩效的优化、实际的组织结构和货币以及非货币活动(Hornstein, 2015)。尽管上面提到的因素有不同的优先次序,但是组织需要强调人力资源因素,这对组织的变更管理是至关重要的。
改变能够引起人们对失败的可能性、产品和服务质量的下降以及生产力损失的怀疑。考虑到组织变革的积极影响,说明组织要想在市场中生存就必须变革。员工需要理解变更的定义以及对变更的理解,这有助于成功的变更管理。一般来说,与变化过程的功能相关的不确定性和失败的概率是产生变化阻力的决定性因素(Kuipers et al., 2014)。这种不确定性可以通过培训组织中的人员积极地感知变化并全面准备应对变化来缓解。变更的目标应通过频繁的会议和培训会议传达给组织内的人员。组织,也就是人们,必须意识到变化的过程,这样他们才能在必要的时候适应它。


This report showed that a majority of organizations was unable to implement change related strategies and thus failed to attain the desired objectives from the change. The analysis of the study revealed some critical factors which were responsible for the success of change implementation programs (Hayes, 2014). The factors include increment in incentives and remunerations of top management, increased human resource involvements, flexible and punctual communication, and a motivating corporate culture which induces and promotes change, leaders of change and the support for change from a culture. Along with these factors some other influential factors are effective training programs, optimization of performance, practical organizational structure and monetary as well as non-monetary activities (Hornstein, 2015). Despite the different priorities placed on the factors mentioned above, an organization needs to emphasize the human resource factor which is critical for change management in an organization.
Change is capable of invoking suspicions regarding the chances of failure, decrease in the quality of products and services as well as losses in productivity. Considering the positive influences of changes in an organization indicate the necessity of change for an organization to survive in the market. Employees need to comprehend the definition as well as the understanding of the change which can help in successful change management. Generally, the uncertainty related to functionality of a process of change and the probabilities of failure are the decisive factors which can create resistance to change (Kuipers et al., 2014). This uncertainty can be relieved by training people in the organization to perceive the change positively and prepare comprehensively to deal with the change. The objectives of change shall be communicated to people in the organization through frequent meetings and training sessions. The organization i.e. the people, have to be aware of the change process so that they can adapt to it when necessary.