


技术因素——每个国家都在朝着技术进步的方向发展。亚洲市场采用了更新换代的新技术,以配合西方国家蓬勃发展的市场。任何企业的建立都需要技术的进步,这是因为产品很容易为客户提供(Wang, Chien & Kao, 2010)。网上商店的出现是越来越多的产品,使任何人都可以居住在任何地方的国家。这带来了更多的生产力,因为产品是很容易达到的人口的国家。此外,随着网络的出现,这些公司正在增加他们的技术数据库,以在其中添加更多的功能。评审和反馈的特性帮助业主了解哪些领域需要更多的开发。总部位于墨尔本的公司应该检查市场是否经济落后,或者他们是否有技术能力让所有人都能享受这项服务。

虽然互联网在亚洲市场的渗透率较低,但它正在推动其市场实现潜在的份额。环境因素:环境因素取决于国家的气候和天气、导致污染的因素以及与之相关的自然灾害。人们注意到,许多亚洲国家由于被划分为太平洋火环而容易遭受自然灾害。环境因素的成本,企业的市场,以缩小其规模的影响,通过打击的灾难(Padli & Habibullah, 2015)。如果该地区总是遭受降雨、暴风雨或其他致命自然灾害的袭击,该地区的商业活动就会受到影响。亚洲受灾最严重的国家是中国、日本、泰国、菲律宾等许多地区。此外,亚洲地区遭受的主要灾害是洪水、地震、旋风、雪崩、干旱和森林火灾。


Technological factors- Every nation is increasing towards the technological advancement. The Asian markets have adopted new and upgraded technology to match the flourished markets of the Western countries. The technological advancement regarding the establishment of any business sees to the factor that the products are easily available to the customer’s (Wang, Chien & Kao, 2010). The online presence of the store is increasing so that the products are available to anyone residing anywhere in the nation. This brings more productivity in the business as the products are easily attainable to the population of the nation.Moreover, along with the online presence, the companies are increasing their technical database to add more features in it. The features of review and feedback help the owners to understand what the areas that need more development are. The company based in Melbourne should check whether the markets are economically backward or they have the technological reach to make the service available to all.

Though internet penetration in Asian market is low, but it is boosting its market to achieve a potential share.Environmental factors: The environment factors depend on the climate and the weather of the nation, the factors leading to pollution and the natural disaster associated with it. It has been noticed that many Asian countries are prone to natural disaster for being categorized in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The environmental factor costs the market of the business to shrink its size for the impacts created through the strike of the disaster (Padli & Habibullah, 2015). The business of the area gets affected if the region is always struck with rainfall, storm or any other deadly form of nature. The main Asian countries that are disaster prone regions are China, Japan, Thailand, Philippines and many other regions. In addition to this, the main disaster struck in the Asian regions is flood, earthquake, cyclones, avalanche, drought and forest fire.