


A brief analysis of the Australian markets will be done by performing PESTLE analysis. It has been found that Australian markets are looking for ways to increase brand patronage (Armstrong et al., 2014). There is high level of competition in the local markets and the markets have saturated for some products. For the external market, analysis needs to be performed (Desselle, Zgarrick and Alston, 2016). Specific variables need to be considered when factoring in the external market. The companies in the retail sectors need to focus on other markets and service delivery to sustain. The people in Australia are open to try newer technology and they are willing to spend on product with established brand patronage. These kinds of analogies can be made from the textbook Armstrong et al. Hence a company like Aldi to sustain in the markets needs to focus its attention on their service delivery. These factors will be detailed from these textbooks. The next factor is the internal market analysis that needs to be done.
Internal Market Analysis
When compared to the other brand and chains, this company is relatively smaller in Australia. They are considered to provide cheaper products of lower quality (Fahy and Jobber, 2012). This perception has been increasing in the recent times. They have not been able to cater to a wider range of audience. The company needs to work on its service delivery to create a holistic consumer experience. It is imperative for the company to develop local community interactions. They need to showcase to the community that they care about the local producers and suppliers (Lambin, Chumpitaz and Schuiling, 2007). This would increase the emotional connect. It is evident that the company has to compete with a number of external competitors. Companies such as Aldi can focus on ways to increase their patronage with the consumer by having local community promotions and focus on the community development programs. This would increase the emotional connect that the people would develop towards the brand. The people are concerned about the environment. By focusing on sustainability and green energy, the company can reduce costs and develop positive liaisons with the different suppliers in the market (Mitchell and Harris, 2005).
Additionally, there is a rapid growth in the technology. The company can incorporate lower cost technology to reach out to a wider audience base in the communities.
To conclude, the recommendation will be developed based on the analysis. The specific classroom textbook and other theoretical textbooks will be developed from the analysis.

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