

过去的几位研究人员曾说过,顾客不仅对产品感兴趣,而且对购买的愉快经历也感兴趣。个体倾向于通过难忘的体验以及与体验营销的互动,体验与理念、人、公司、品牌、服务和产品相关的特定情感(Jianfei, 2014)。知识经济与体验营销的概念相结合,使体验营销成为全球主流。对这些情感因素的考虑对于提高组织中员工与客户之间的互动服务体验至关重要。本研究的目的是开发和讨论一个组织的员工和客户互动服务体验。本讨论将考虑各个方面,如客户行为、可见和不可见的员工行为、支持流程和实物证据。此外,本篇论文范文将从不同的角度来探讨和分析新西兰会计学论文代写-客户对组织的服务体验。为了便于讨论和分析,我们选择了星巴克公司。星巴克专注于销售其咖啡馆体验,不仅将咖啡融入到购买体验中,还融入了商店的邀请和温暖的氛围以及其他元素(hennigi – thurau and Groth, 2015)。

The customers of Starbucks are specifically assisted to take decisions for seeking questions as they not just take orders, but create solutions. Employees ask questions from customers with perfect efficiency for successfully guiding the customers to complete transactions. As customers are able to decide better by asking questions, the customers are backed up with appropriate responses as they may not know their demands (Peppers and Rogers, 2016). Furthermore, the employees want to know about the identity of customers as the name is written on the cappuccino cup of the customer. This is just the initial stage to know them better and retain them within the process. Dissatisfied customers show willingness to know the responsibility of employees for the mistake. Though appears unfair, there is specific wisdom to seek responsibility in the result of transaction completed by the customers. It is always ensured by Starbucks that there is creation of better experiences by not imposing any blame on customers at times if they are at fault (Hennig-Thurau and Groth, 2015).The best aspect of consumer action at Starbucks is allowing most personalization or customization as possible. Real- era customization and customization based totally regarding employee suggestion for the provision of seamless experience. There be in imitation of stay pliancy in service and product presenting and handing over the customers.
Visible Contact Employee Actions
The employees of Starbucks hold the specific ability of connecting with individual personally, instead of just obtaining the right order. All this plays a crucial role in the incredible success of the organization. The employees of Starbucks are attached with the get- go approach of customer service. Through this approach, the employees learn about responding to and recognizing the wants and needs of the customers (Hossain and Islam, 2015). Although this is a difficult job, it is worth it. As per the Latte Method, they are provided with appropriate training to be applied in unpleasant scenarios. The customers are listened to, and there is acknowledgment of their complaints. Specific actions are taken to solve the issue in addition to the appreciation and explanation of the reason behind the occurrence of problem. In this way, the employees of Starbucks have freedom in the creation of positive experience at all points of time in all stores.

Starbucks considers the use of learning management system with skills certification, mentorship, hands-on training and e-learning. The system of learning management helps to establish formal opportunities for refreshing skills. Leadership has also established a combination of voluntary skills expertise known as the Coffee Ambassador and Coffee Master Programs (Michelli, 2016). Even though voluntary, such programs are encouraging to achieve autonomous expertise with elevated knowledge regarding brewing and coffee techniques. There is often an underutilization of corporate rituals. Individuals tend to desire unique routine for the gathering communities. Starbucks is known for having rituals of communication, training and celebration to bring employees within a historic and shared combination of traditions. As a significant example, the ritual of coffee tasting is a crucial initial point for one-on-one interaction between a manager and a partner, along with broad scales such as national meetings that involved each and every store manager. The ritual of coffee tasting is an experience of internal branding to assist individuals in the process of branding.

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