


恐怖主义不能被视为一种新现象。恐怖主义起源于1789年发生在法国的大革命,当时人们用它来形容正在进行的革命。然而,随着时间的推移,随着全球社会、经济和政治的重大发展,以及技术的重大进步,恐怖主义行为进入了一个新的高级阶段(Bignami, 2007)。在这个现代时代,恐怖主义被非政府政治行为者称为杀害生命有几个原因,主要是作为一种政治声明。纵观历史,有几位学者对恐怖主义进行了界定,但仍有一些概念问题需要完全接受(Bush, 2009)。恐怖主义被称为利用或威胁利用暴力、实现具体目标的战略或实现战斗的方法。这一行为的目的是诱导受害者产生恐惧的状态,被认为是无情的,不符合人道主义的规则。在这方面,宣传已被确定为恐怖主义战略的一个重要因素。政治是指为扩大、维持和获得国家权力而进行的公开竞争,国家权力被认为是分配价值或作出决定并据此采取行动的关键能力。

冲突和竞争之间的界限,公平和和平的通过说服的来源争取选票之间的界限,和敌对对抗之间的界限,最终诉诸破坏或破坏,但不完全发生在政治冲突(Roach, 2001)。冲突被认为是融入社会的关键因素,而在没有暴力的社会中,冲突被认为是促进关系发展的主要力量。然而,如果使用暴力,冲突会造成破坏;如果没有,就会造成破坏(布什,2009)。更经常的情况是,恐怖主义的发生是由于政治紧张局势的加剧,例如在选举期间或选举之前。在社会中,当国家对群体生存的控制具有决定性时,在资源和权力没有其他或很少的垫脚石的情况下,对于陈述、维持或获得权力的斗争可以被认为是激烈的(Martin, 2015)。有时,恐怖主义被确定为政治战略的各种手段之一。


Terrorism cannot be considered as a new phenomenon. Terrorism was originated as of the Revolution in France that took place in the year 1789, as it was used for describing the revolutionaries being conducted. However, as time has passed, with major social, economic, and political development across the globe, and major advancement of technology, the acts of terrorism have moved on to a new and advanced phase (Bignami, 2007). In this modern era, terrorism has been referred to as killing lives by non-governmental actors of politics for several reasons, mostly as a statement of politics. Throughout history, several scholars have put in efforts for defining terrorism, yet there are a number of conceptual issues still requiring total acceptance (Bush, 2009). Terrorism has been referred to as the utilization or the threat for utilization of violence, a strategy for achievement of specific targets, or a method for achievement of combat. The act aims on inducing the condition of fear among the victim, being considered as ruthless and not conforming to the rules of humanitarianism. In this context, publicity has been identified as a significant factor in the strategy of terrorism. Politics is related to publicly competing for the expansion, maintenance and acquisition of the state power, considered as the key capacity for allocating values or for taking decisions and acting on them.

The line between conflict and competition, between fair and peaceful fights for votes by sources of persuasion, and hostile antagonism end up resorting destruction or disruption, but not taking place exclusively with respect to political conflict (Roach, 2001). Conflict has been identified as crucial for integrating and in societies as far as there is an absence of violence been identified as a major force of productivity in evolving relations. However, if there is use of violence, conflict can create disruption; if not there is creation of destruction (Bush, 2009). More often, terrorism ends up taking place with respect to heightened tensions of politics, as a significant example, during or before the times of election. Where there is crucial nature for the control of the state over the survival of group in society, there are no other or few stepping stones to resources and power, the struggle for stating, maintaining or obtaining power can be considered fierce (Martin, 2015). At times, terrorism has been identified as one of various instruments in the strategy of politics.