


好吧,如果我们看到人类也是最大的食肉动物之一,有助于维持生态系统的平衡。虽然一些著名的历史学家和著名的人类学家说,人类是杂食性但历史我们可以看到我们的解剖设备,颌骨,牙齿当然消化系统,这些器官都赞成或要求的饮食(默多克,1966)。最受欢迎的美国饮食协会说:“人类历史上的大部分人都生活在素食主义者或素食主义者的饮食中。”。即使在一些最常见的工业化国家,人类对肉类的热爱甚至还不到一百年。同样,事实是,即使在二十世纪到来时,人类的身体仍然不适合吃肉或吃肉。最突出和最流行的瑞典科学家Karl Von Linne指出,“人的结构,外部和内部,与其他动物相比,表明水果和多汁的蔬菜是他的天然食物。”(里奇等人,2012)


So in this assignment we are going to study about whether the large carnivores are useful for conserving the biodiversity or not (Hairston, Smith, & Slobodkin, 1960). So, since we read above that the large carnivores occupy the upper most position in every food chain and there is no other animal above that, precisely it states that yes, it is very important to let the large carnivores take the initiative to let keep the biodiversity in balance.
Well, if we see Humans is also one of the largest carnivores that help in maintaining the balance of the ecosystems. Although some of the well known historians and well known anthropologists say that human beings are historically omnivorous but as we can see our anatomical equipments that are jaws, teeth and of course digestive system, these all organs favours or demands a fleshless diet (Murdoch, 1966). The most popular American Dietetic Association says that “most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets.” and also it is a fact that much of the world actually still lives in that way. Even in some of the most common industrialized countries, the love of human beings towards meat is even less than just a hundred years. Also, it is a fact that even with coming of the twentieth century, man’s body has still not adapted to eat flesh or meat. The most prominent and the popular Swedish scientist Karl Von Linne states that, “Man’s structure, external and internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food.” (Ritchie et. al., 2012)
But still, in any case if we look up to today’s scenario we cannot deny the fact that human beings take up the upper most position as the large carnivore where so many food chains end up and therefore, we have a crucial role to play in order to maintain the balance in ecosystem.