


方法的目的是讨论一个确定的框架,在此基础上,本研究的调查将进行。本章将讨论所使用的方法、方法和数据收集/分析。在设计研究框架时,有必要考虑四个重要因素。Crotty(1998)认为要素是认识论、理论视角、方法论和方法。认识论是研究背后的理论(Crotty, 1998)。这是嵌入在理论视角中的知识,用于指导研究。其次,对于被调查的现象所提出的问题,将采取哲学立场。第三,方法,即创建方法的行动计划,最后,方法是实际的技术和程序将被使用(Cresswell, 2003)。“陈述一种知识主张意味着研究人员在开始一个项目时,对他们将如何学习以及他们将在探究过程中学习什么有一定的假设”(Cresswell, 2003, p.6)。这些主张被称为研究人员做出的哲学假设或认识论和本体论。这里用到了建构主义的主张。

这是一种基于理解、多种参与意义及其解释、社会和历史建构等的主张。理论是由参与者感知的基于现实的分析产生的。参与者对他们的世界有一种主观的意义,在这种多种多样的意义中,这种现象被研究(Cresswell, 2003)。这种哲学立场更适合这项研究,因为这里涉及的参与者是调查环境中的雇员(跨国公司工作场所)。文化的影响作为一种现象在这里被研究,因此有必要考虑参与者,告知他们并使他们行动的过程,工作场所的文化环境等等。这些因素在构建参与者员工的意见(工作场所的满意度或非满意度)时将在研究中被考虑。研究方法主要有定性研究方法、定量研究方法和混合研究方法。本研究将采用定性案例研究方法,收集数据并作为案例分析。当研究者想要回答研究的“如何”和“为什么”问题时,就会使用案例研究方法(Yin, 2003)。


The purpose of methodology is to discuss a definitive framework based on which the enquiry of this research would be conducted. The methodology used, the methods and data collection/ analysis would be discussed in this chapter. In designing the framework for research, it is necessary to consider four important elements. Crotty (1998) suggests that the elements are epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods. The epistemology is the theory behind the research (Crotty, 1998). This is the knowledge embedded in the theoretical perspective that is used for informing the research. Secondly, philosophical stance would be adopted for the questions that would be asked of the phenomenon under investigation. Thirdly, there is the methodology, which is the plan of action for creating methods, and finally, the methods which are the actual techniques and procedures would be used (Cresswell, 2003). “Stating a knowledge claim means that researchers start a project with certain assumptions about how they will learn and what they will learn during their inquiry” (Cresswell, 2003, p.6). The claims are called philosophical assumptions made by the researchers or epistemologies and ontologies. The constructivism claim is used here.

This is a claim that is based on understanding, multiple participant meanings and their interpretations, social and historical constructions and more. Theory is generated from an analysis based on reality as perceived by the participants. Participants suffer a subjective meaning of their world and in this varied and multiple meanings, the phenomenon is studied (Cresswell, 2003). This philosophical stance is better suited for the research as the participants involved here are employees in the setting of investigation (the MNC workplace). The impact of culture is being investigated as a phenomenon here and hence it is essential to consider the participant, the processes that inform them and make them act, the cultural setting of the workplace and more. What these factors have in constructing the participant employee’s opinion (satisfaction or non-satisfaction in the workplace) would be considered in the research. The methodologies that are mostly considered in research are the qualitative, the quantitative and the mixed research methodology. This research will be using a qualitative case study methodology where data will be collected and analyzed as a case study. The case study methodology is used when the researcher wants to answer for the ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions of the research (Yin, 2003).