


尽管有这么多的优势和质量的公允价值会计是不被接受的所有和一些有他们对系统的保留。有与公允价值会计的许多问题是证人的2008次级市场的流动性情况下的资产定价中发挥了主要作用通过公允价值会计期间(Harris & Muller,1999)。
•资产受到勘探以及根据IFRS 6的评价。


Despite having so many advantages and quality fair value accounting is not accepted by all and some have their reservations about the system. There are many issues with the fair value account as it was witnesses during the 2008 subprime case where market illiquidity played a major role in the pricing of the asset through fair value accounting (Harris & Muller, 1999).
Other issue is that the definition of fair value is not very clear and there are chances of misinterpretation or it becomes difficult to verify the values calculated using the fair value accounting. If the management calculates the fair value then there can be apprehensions on the ability of the management to calculate the fair value and also it becomes difficult to verify whether the assumption used by management are appropriate or not. Management competence and their intentions can be a major flaw in using the fair value accounting. Management has to follow the guidelines but they have the power to make certain assumptions and this can lead to deviation from what should be the appropriate value.
Also there is concern of that the calculation of the fair value of the assets may reflect circularity in the values whereas the main aim of the fair value accounting to prepare the financial statements which have information so that users of the statements can make appropriate decisions which are based on the economic value of the entity.
The scope of measuring the fair value of the assets is as given below:
• Assets which are classified by the firm as held for sale. This classification should be according to IFRS 5.
• Assets which are biological and related to the agriculture.
• Assets which come under exploration as well as evaluation according to the IFRS 6.
• Rights over reserves of minerals like natural gas, oil.
For the PPE the assets which are used to develop and maintain the assets mentioned in the below three points are included in the PPE.
For the initial recognition the asset is recorded at cost. However post the initial recognition the Revaluation model is used to value the asset.