


最近的研究表明,中国的B2B模式和B2C模式将会引领其他国家,因为中国的电子商务行业重塑了消费者的现代生活方式和行为(Wang & Bernell, 2013)。根据Bain & company的分析,中国B2C网络零售的增长速度将是整体零售增长速度的三倍,到2018年,将有一半的在线销售来自三线以下城市(Pena et al., 2013)。然而,实体店承受着利润微薄和成本上升的压力。租金、员工工资和管理费用都在快速增长(Deloitte, 2015)。研究表明,毛利率是逐渐下降的,因为主要费用(包括水电费、工资总额和租金)明显增加。因此,售价比网店要高。大多数零售商都在努力寻求新的商业模式以在竞争中生存。

中国连锁企业采取并购战略,增加市场份额和市场力量,从而实现规模经济和收入流多元化(Johnson et al., 2008)。摘要零售轮理论是由麦克纳尔提出的最著名的零售演化理论。流通从进入阶段开始,在这个阶段,创新型零售商作为小型零售商进入消费市场,差异化较低。因此,在第一阶段,零售集中在成本效益上。电子商务在服务领域发挥着重要作用,如降低成本、吸引新客户、在全球范围内销售或降低交易成本(Polsa & Fan, 2011)。然而,一些小型零售商店被限制在传统的商业模式(Karavdic & Gregory, 2005)。


More recent researches show that B2B model and B2C model in China will lead to other countries because Chinese e-commerce industry reshapes consumer’s modern lifestyle and behaviour (Wang & Bernell, 2013). Based on Bain & company analysis, B2C online retail in China will grow three times faster than overall retail, and by 2018 half of total online sales will come from Tier-3 cites and below (Peña et al., 2013). However, physical stores bear the pressure from narrow profits and increasing costs. The cost of rent, employee salary and overheads all increased at rapid growth (Deloitte, 2015). Research has shown that the gross margin is gradually decreased because the main expenses (including utilities, total salary and rent) increase significantly. Therefore, the sale price is higher than an online shop.Most of the retailers are trying to seek the new business model to survive in competition.

Chinese chain store adopts the strategy of merging and acquisition to increase the market shares and market power, thereby, achieving economies of scale and diversifying income streams (Johnson et al., 2008).The wheel of retailing theory is the most famous theory of retail evolution, developed by McNair. The circulation start from entry phase, in this stage, innovative retailers as a small retailer enter the consumer market, with low differentiation. Therefore, in first phase, the retails focus on cost –effective.E-commerce plays an important role in service sector, such as reducing cost, attracting new customers, selling worldwide or reducing transaction cost (Polsa & Fan, 2011). However, some small retail shop is restricted to traditional business model (Karavdic & Gregory, 2005).