


中国作为最大的发展中国家之一,由于人口众多,消费支出增长迅速,拥有巨大的潜在市场,可以吸引世界上无数的商人和跨国公司(Cui, 2000)。由于来自中国的外国产品需求巨大,当地市场的供应充斥着假冒伪劣商品,无法满足巨大的需求。这将是公司打入市场的一个机会。风险是一种存在,它将意味着损失的可能性,或至少潜在的降低预期回报(Meldrum, 2000)。从1890年的霸菱危机到2008年的信贷危机,这似乎与经济危机发生频率的大幅上升相对应。

许多观察家同意日益不稳定的经济体系,认为“在未来几年摆脱经济和金融危机的可能性似乎很小”(金德尔伯格,2000)。本文将风险作为在国外投资的风险集合来进行。汇率是政府行为锁定或冻结资本的风险(Investopedia, 2015),是本研究的重点之一。货币风险的产生,又称汇率风险,是由于公司汇率的重大变动,可能会对公司的利润率和资产价值产生不利影响(Papaioannou, 2006)。货币风险管理是减少企业在国际交易中汇率损失的脆弱性的过程。货币风险管理可以帮助企业将外汇损失最小化,从而达到企业利润最大化的目标。


China, as one of the biggest developing countries, it owns a large potential market to attract countless businessman and multinational corporations in the world due to the enormous population and rapid increase in consumer spending (Cui, 2000). Due to the huge demand of foreign products from China, the supply of the local market is fulfilled with forged and fake commodity so they cannot satisfy the large demand. It will be an opportunity for the company to break into the market.Risk is an existence, which will imply a possibility of loss, or at least a potential reduction of the expected return (Meldrum, 2000). From the Baring crisis in the 1890 to the credit crisis in 2008, it seems this corresponds to a strong increase in the frequency of economic crises.

Many observers agree on the increasingly unstable economic system and believe that “the likelihood of escaping economic and financial crises in the years ahead seems small” (Kindleberger, 2000). In this paper, risk would be conducted as a collection of risks connected with investments in a foreign country. The exchange rate which is the risk of capital being locked up or frozen by government action (Investopedia, 2015), is one of the main focuses of this research. Arisen of currency risk, also known as exchange rate risk, is due to the major exchange rate movements by the company, which could adversely affect profit margins and the value of assets (Papaioannou, 2006). Currency risk management is the process of reducing a firm’s vulnerabilities from exchange rate loss in international transactions. Currency risk management can help the company minimize the exchange loss in order to achieve the goal of the company – profit maximization.