

媒体是人们与社会沟通的桥梁。少数民族充分认识到,种族问题的代表性将改善社会条件,并有助于消除社会上普遍存在的不必要歧视。媒体可以通过对种族问题的事实描述来加强公众舆论。这将为少数民族提供提出更多问题的机会,并鼓励他们参与其他公共利益问题。种族问题报道突出了少数民族人民的痛苦和痛苦。这些小团体能够提出他们的问题和落后的原因(Piperopoulos, P。,2010)。媒体为少数民族提供了向社会展示他们苦难的机会或平台。此外,由于媒体呈现的是真实的画面,人们属于各个年龄层、阶层和种族,公众对媒体报道有着极大的信心。媒体不仅报道、教育、授权和塑造形象,而且对种族歧视等关键问题给予理解和发展。媒体可以影响人们的思维,让他们明白他们的行为影响和塑造了社会。接下来有关新西兰管理学论文代写-媒体报道对少数民族的影响分析如下:

Media reporting has resulted in a massive decline in racial discrimination issues throughout the world. However, increasing population and migration of people to different countries for employment have outset the past efforts of media in reduction of racial issues. It is a matter of shame for all us that ethnic minorities continue to get suppresses and bear sufferings in modern present world. Media has done a commendable job in raising and presentation of racial issues. The problem lies in the framework of entire system as minorities continue to face sufferings due to non-reporting of their issues in a timely manner. Media has limited resources and with increasing racial issues; the entire media system needs to be restructured for reporting racial issues throughout the world (Peck, J., 2015). Thus, people should make an effort and work in tandem with media to address such evils of modern society. Responsible media reporting, increased supervision and monitoring of racial activities might serve as important data points for highlighting and addressing concerns of ethnic minorities.
Media and general public needs to understand that minorities are also working for the benefit of the society. They need to be equally respected and given their share of due recognition in the society. Media should keep contemplating that minorities are because of their existence in small groups but their intent towards the welfare of the society remains same. This would induce a sense of reasoning, critical thinking and help people to come out of such problematic issues. Moreover, minorities would also feel good about themselves after a change in treatment from majority group people. Racial differences can be minimized by imparting knowledge through media. Media should convey the message that god made all of us equal. It is, we, who have created boundaries in between us through formation of races. This would help in improvement of social status of minority in the society (Zouaghi, S., 2015). Moreover, majority would also get favor from minority people. Media can act as a catalyst and empower individuals and groups towards establishment of a peace and noble society. Moreover, media impact is so powerful that it can virtually diminish racial issues from the society. Minorities are well of media’s powers and access to several locations. Media can facilitate information sharing at a faster rate and even prevent racial issues by stepping up in between two racial groups. Thus, it can be concluded that racial issues reporting in media have a measurable influence on position and views about ethnic minorities in society.

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