


His notions of meloncholy in music and the different take on the kind of lament music is truly apprecaited. The Composer has won a number of accolades and praises for his performance. He was a bold composer who used unsual measures in his rhythms. He derived a new form of expressive musical style and repetitation of the different elements in the musical notes was truly unique. The artists did struglle with the traditional Sonato form of music and were critiqued heavility for not being able to adapt to the strcutural form. This however changed in the 21st century where the artists’ music is considered to be unique craftmanship.
The last symphonie that was created by the composer is Pathétique. It means forbidden in French. This symphony was dedicated to Bob who was the composer’s lover. Within nine days of the release the composer had dies from Cholera. There is speculation that is done by the people whether the Artist committed suicide or had died from natural causes. It was whispered that the Artists who was homosexual could not express his true feelings and hence has taken this extreme measure. While others speculate that the author was speaking of the life force and the struggles of Man when faced with obstacles from the society. Many explain that the denotation of the word Pathétique is in itself telling the society about the impeding future of the author. It is considered to be a representational denotation by the composer. Tchaikovsky has expressed that this is the best work that he has every constructed. Russian society at that time was not tolerent of Homo sexuality. It is still not offically recognized in the country even though there is a lot of awarenes to this notion. Tchaikovsky may or may not have commited suicide but he lived a troubled life where he could not express himself freely to the soceity.
From this life and works of Tchaikovsky high school students needs to understand how the representation of the music explains his uniqueness. Being homosexual is a part of his music. The same music has enabled Tchaikovsky to win many accolades and appreciation. He however lived a troubled life in spite of having musical talent and a unique mind. His preference is shown in his various musical compoistions. By essaying to the students how Tchaikovsky lived they can be taught about the importance of respecting people for their talent.
Students should be taught that homosexuality is an innate trait that needs only acceptance. They should respect a person preference to live indivdiual life based on their subjective preference. Tchaikovsky should not be respected because he is homosexual; it is a part of who he is, rather his innate musical abilities should be appreciated. His musical genious, keen sence of styling and his representation of the musical elements should be cherished. Students should be taught that a person should be appreciated for their talents and should not be evaluated based on their life choices.

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