

阿尔迪公司创造了一个高质量和低价格的商业形象。这家公司最初是1961年在德国成立的。它是最早向人们提供折扣的公司之一。这是一家以销售低利润率产品为口号的朴实无华的杂货店(Metzger, 2014)。他们把当地的生产商合并到他们经营的地方。他们还承诺在销售过程中不存在任何隐性成本。该公司以其独特的交易和创新的商业实践而闻名。本报告详细介绍了公司的重要文化、外部环境。在本文的分析中,新西兰管理学论文代写-Aldi公司的研究分析进行了较为详细的探讨。分析公司的内部和外部运作,了解公司如何在当前的形势下维持下去,是非常必要的。

The mission and purpose of the company directly enables the people to understand about the culture of the company. The main purpose of this company is to provide value deals to the consumers. The qualities of the products are emphasized in the marketing. The company wants to ensure that the consumers get the best price for the products which are sold in the shelves. In this report, there will be discussion of the specific external environment, CSR efforts of the company and internal corporate culture of the company to efficiently evaluate the processes. These have been probed in more detail in the following.
Business Operations
Aldi Company is an internal brand that has operations in over 18 countries. This is a leading discount supermarket chain. The company is a German brand that has managed to gain brand patronage in nations such as Australia. The company debuted in its first store in 2001 and had over 470 stores in a number of nations. Aldi mission statement is to provide high quality products at lower prices. This company is a profit oriented company. The business of the company is split into two separate groups, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd, which are the two divisions of the company. Aldi German operations are about the combination of 35 individual companies in Germany (Voigt, Buliga and Michl, 2017). They have been able to establish business operations in over 18 countries based on its unique marketing and innovative practices.
However, for a company to sustain, they cannot only think over the internal practices or external practices. There are certain prerequisite factors that all the companies need to adhere to sustain. Along with these factors, the subjective need of the situation changes based on the specific requirements of the company.

Aldi Company follows the triple bottom line theory. The triple bottom line theory is a formulation of corporate social responsibility, and these are found to be based on the leader’s tabulation of the bottom line results in terms of the economic terms, which are based on the three columns of responsibility. Economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability are the three important factors that need to be focused. The economic sustainability is based on stable economic activities and speculative ventures that sustain over long-term financial stability. The next factor is the social sustainability, which affects the people in the area and the employees. The business ethics and the importance are given to the employees of the company. The social sustainability is about the ways to deal with the intangible human element and the corporate culture of respect. The final factor is the environmental factors that need to be considered. This ensures that the natural resources of the country are conserved. The sustainability and recycling aspects of the company are important in this paradigm. There is preservation of the liveable planet and the factors of direct obligation that is used in this business.
Aldi states that it expected the customers, communities and the employees to create a better world. There is importance given to the long-term impacts of their products in the environment. They guarantee quality and the freshness of produce. The company tries to ensure that high levels of integrity and professionalism is maintained in this process. The ALDI CSR are adhered by the company. The suppliers are made to adhere to the social standards of production code and internal CR report is generated by the company.

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