


For each and every aspect in the educational system of Philippines, females have been outnumbering boys and men. A 2008 survey of Functional Mass Media, Education and Literacy stated that the basic rate of literacy among males is 95.1 per cent and among females is 96.1 per cent. However, as per the Philippines Program of United Nations Development, these benefits are not providing a necessary translation as positive measurable changing status and roles of women (Rao and Srinivas, 2011). Even though men and women have been enjoying similar accessibility of education, women are involved in the under- presented category under tendered positions of faculty. Women have been suffering due to subtle gender based discrimination in promotion, salary differentials, research and teaching. The operations and leadership of an institution of higher education play a crucial role across Philippines. Leadership is pertained with vision setting and innovations while management pertains to supervising daily operations and implementing the vision. In the case of Philippine education system, management and leadership is mainly exercised by males. On the other hand, females play a crucial role in minority groups of Trustee Boards (Subrahmanian, 2015). In case there is domination of females in an office space, they are provided in extremely clerical roles instead of supervisory roles.

Evaluating the Limit for Gender Inequality Transformation by Education
In this part of the research, a detailed evaluation will be conducted for the limit to which there is transformation of gender inequality through education. For the purpose of this evaluation, case examples will be provided for the impact of education on the transformation of gender inequality. The case examples are Gambia, Tanzania, and Philippines. Further ahead, the research focuses on evaluating how educational policies and ICT integration in the education field play a crucial role for the transformation of gender inequality by the enhanced scope of education across various areas across the globe.

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