


这项关于苏格兰第四盆地迪南尼的孢粉学研究报告基于两个样本。一个样品取自Forth盆地周围的露头,第二个样品取自Kincardine East borehole Boggs,S.(1995)。 研究还分析了与钻孔样品的孢粉相关的沉积环境。为了从孢粉样品中释放有机物质,所有的矿物质都以化学形式溶解在样品中。为了从样品中去除多晶型物,首先用研钵和研杵将样品研磨以增加表面积并将样品减小至几毫米的均匀尺寸。该材料还必须在36%盐酸(HCL)中放置至少一晚。然后下一步是通过用水稀释酸并除去液体来去除酸。 58%的氢氟酸(HF)使用三天,以去除二氧化硅和任何其他无机物质Kukal,(2013)。然后在下一步骤中,通常将样品返回到盐酸半小时以除去可能已经由任何与氢氟酸反应的剩余碳酸盐形成的化合物。然后通过处理倾析出盐酸。

孢粉地层学实际上被定义为使用’Palynology’来发现’地层学’,这就是为什么当它们结合在一起时,它们以孢粉地层学的形式成为单一项。它是通过使用化石记录中的“进化”(发展)或“灭绝”(灭绝)以及物种的第一次和最后一次出现和表现来完成的。 Young 2002进行的研究使用了基于Neves等人完成的工作的分区计划的日期。 (1972),Clayton等人(1977年,1978年)和克莱顿(1985年)的研究工作。


Historic exploration and production
The report of this study of palynology of the Dinantian of the Forth Basin in Scotland is based on two samples. One sample was taken from outcrops around the Forth Basin and the second sample was taken from Kincardine East borehole Boggs, S. (1995). . Environment of deposition associated with palynofacies of the borehole samples are also analyzed in the study. In order to liberate organic matter from palynological samples all the mineral is chemically dissolved in the form the samples. To remove polnomorphs from the samples the samples are first ground with a mortar and pestle to increase the surface area and reduce samples to a uniform size of a few millimeters. The material also has to be placed in 36% hydrochloric acid (HCL) for at least one night. Then the next step is removal of acid by diluting it using water and decanting the liquid away. 58% hydrofluoric acid (HF) is used for three days in order to remove the silica, and any other inorganic matter Kukal, (2013). Then in the next step sample is usually returned into hydrochloric acid for half an hour in order to remove the compounds that may have been formed by any leftover carbonate reacting with hydrofluoric acid. Then hydrochloric acid was decanted away through processing.

Palynostratigraphy is actually defined in such a way that it is the usage of ‘Palynology’ to find out ‘Stratigraphy’, which is why when combined together they become a single term in the form of Palynostratigraphy. It is done by using the ‘evolution’ (development) or ‘extinction’ (extermination) and the species’ first and the last appearances and manifestations present in the record of fossils. The study conducted by Young 2002, used the samples which were dated based on the zonation schemes of the work done by Neves et al. (1972), Clayton et al. (1977, 1978), and the research work of Clayton (1985).